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Emily Prince/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) | Remix by Jason Reed

Net neutrality activists are setting up a giant screen showing your comments outside the FCC

Finally, you can force Tom Wheeler to look at a meme you made.


Kevin Collier


Do you have any last words about the FCC’s vote on net neutrality as it draws nearer? Want to shove any memes in a commissioner’s face?

A group of open Internet activists has your back. The activists, from the Canadian Internet freedom group OpenMedia, plan to truck a 11′-by-17′ screen to the front steps of the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, D.C. On Feb. 25, the day before the agency votes on whether to use its legal authority to reclassify the Internet under Title II of the Communications Act, OpenMedia will project user-submitted comments and images for everyone at the FCC to see out their windows.

“We’re collecting images and memes and messages, basically from our online community, and we’re gonna use [the screen] to stream messages from the Internet,” David Christopher, OpenMedia’s communications manager, told the Daily Dot.

It’s not as surprising as you might think that a non-American group would care about net neutrality in the U.S.

“This FCC decision will determine the future of the Internet for people all over the world,” campaign manager Josh Tabish said in a press release. The importance of net neutrality is spreading: the U.K.’s House of Lords recently called for reclassification of the Internet as a public utility to ensure that British Internet service providers can’t charge more for so-called “fast lanes” to certain sites.

To contribute a message for the screen, simply visit and enter your message.

Photo via Emily Prince/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) | Remix by Jason Reed

The Daily Dot