Wil Wheaton tumblr sex ban

Wil Wheaton tests out Tumblr’s new sex ban: ‘It’s stupid, but at least it’s consistent’

What won’t be flagged?

On by Alexis Tatum

wil wheaton paul ryan

Wil Wheaton’s tweet about ‘prayers’ and gun control immediately backfires

He called Paul Ryan a ‘worthless sack of s**t.’

On by Josh Katzowitz

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Trump’s assassination joke isn’t just a threat to Hillary Clinton

The world does not need Donald Trump’s ‘Second Amendment Remedy.’

On by Wil Wheaton

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21 celebrities who love Reddit as much as you do

Even the rich and famous check the front page of the Internet.

On by [email protected]

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Indiegogo’s Marc Hofstatter talks $7 million worth of YouTube projects

In the past year alone, the flexible service has powered a number of high-profile campaigns as well as thousands of smaller projects.

On by [email protected]

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What every conversation on women in gaming is really about

Anita Sarkeesian has 99 problems. They are all misogyny.

On by S.E. Smith

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Is the Robin Williams coverage overshadowing justice for Mike Brown?

We lost a film icon this week, but we shouldn’t forget about Ferguson.

On by [email protected]

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How to pretend like you actually watched ‘Sharknado 2’

You’re welcome.

On by Michelle Jaworski

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Nostalgia jumps the shark in “Literally Everything Else From Your Childhood: The Movie”

Shut up and take our money.

On by Michelle Jaworski

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‘Game of Thrones’ gets the ‘Brady Bunch’ mashup it’s always needed

Finally a theme that’ll tell you just who everyone is on this show.

On by Michelle Jaworski

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Why we need a show like ‘Orphan Black’ right now

The many lives of Orphan Black. 

On by Audra Schroeder

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Wil Wheaton gives amazing advice to a girl bullied for being a nerd

“Don’t let them make you feel bad because you love a thing.”

On by Michelle Jaworski

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How tabletop games won a place in a digital world

Why board games aren’t “bored” games anymore.

On by Sarah Weber

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The unsung Internet hero behind George Takei’s cologne

Takei turned this redditor’s Photoshop joke into a real product. Eau my!

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Wil Wheaton challenges you to a Photoshop battle

For no reason whatsoever, the Star Trek actor is holding an impromptu Photoshop contest on Twitter right now. 

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

The Daily Dot