Woman talking(l+r), Hand opening up hotel room(c)

‘Even if you have the room occupied sign on it, they will come in anyway’: Guest warns Disney hotel workers barge in for ‘room checks.’ What are they?

‘Room checks are SO inappropriate.’

On Jun 12, 2024 by Stacy Fernandez

Man streaks on Disneyworld's It's A Small World ride

Man gets ‘fully undressed’ on Disneyland’s It’s A Small World ride

‘This is not okay.’

On Nov 27, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Homepage article image

‘Next time you’re at Walt Disney World…and you taste nothing, you know who to thank’: Disney World worker says customers complained that salted fries were ‘spicy’

‘So what I’m hearing is take your own spices to Disney.’

On May 24, 2023 by Braden Bjella

Homepage article image

‘Haven’t seen my physical card in months’: Customer hands phone to server in bill because they only have Apple Pay

‘I be scared when they don’t have Apple Pay.’

On May 23, 2023 by Jack Alban

Nanny says family asked her to babysit kids on Disney vacation for free

‘You think I want to go on vacation with you guys and watch your kids the entire time?’: Nanny says family asked her to babysit kids on Disney vacation for free

‘It’s not even a vacation for us as nannies though like it’s so much work.’

On May 8, 2023 by Stacy Fernandez

Disney Mickey Mouse head shapes with pride colors outside (l) Ron DeSantis speaking looking left (r)

‘Try googling first’: Trump fans confuse California’s Disneyland for Disney World in rush to criticize DeSantis over Pride After Dark event

DeSantis is the governor of Florida, not California.

On Apr 18, 2023 by Claire Goforth

parents create platform shoes for child to avoid safety regulations

‘And then if something happened they’d be the first to sue’: TikTok parents facing backlash after tricking Disney workers into letting their kid onto rides

‘I don’t understand how parents don’t realize this is for safety.’

On Feb 20, 2023 by Rebekah Harding

themeparmom aka Kel speaking holding cup with Mickey Mouse ears on head (l) Cast member greenscreen TikTok over image of @themeparkmom's TikTok account (c) woman speaking in car (r)

‘We need to keep these influencers accountable for their actions’: Popular Disney creator gets called out after reporting cast member to corporate

‘The audacity is that she was telling everyone to treat cast members kindly.’

On Sep 14, 2022 by Rebekah Harding

young woman in bedroom with dog (l) woman holding cup and wearing mouse ears (c) young woman in bedroom making a disbelieving face (r)

‘Many Disney adults are like this!’: Starbucks worker stitches Disneyland creator, calls her out for being ‘rude’ at store

‘Her whole platform is like Disney and being kind.’

On Sep 7, 2022 by Rebekah Harding

former Disney Cast member speaking caption 'I'm literally so confused. What specifically was wrong with that video, She was amazing, I know I'm missing something' (l) Disney Cast member in Mickey suit interacting with little girl (c) former Disney Cast member speaking (r)

‘I had constant anxiety and fear that I was gonna lose my job’: Former Disney cast member warns against posting public videos of character performers online

‘At the end of the day all Disney cast members are people.’

On Jul 30, 2022 by Jack Alban

man on Disney boat ride caption 'I was confused on why my ppl were put up on display at Disneyland lol' (l) Disney Land Native tribe near water caption 'I was confused on why my ppl were put up on display at Disneyland lol' (c) Man on Disney boat ride caption 'I was confused on why my ppl were put up on display at Disneyland lol' (r)

‘I still don’t understand why Disney thinks it’s okay’: Native American TikToker calls out Disney for its out-of-touch teepee display

‘I remember a time when Disney called them savages.’

On May 12, 2022 by Michelle Jaworski

Dinseyland hotel with mickey mouse logo (l) woman in room caption 'pov: you and your family got attacked by drunk white people at disneyland and all the workers stood and watched you get hit and grabbed instead of calling security' (r)

Latine TikToker says family got attacked by white family at Disneyland as workers ‘stood and watched’

‘If this happened the other way round.’

On Apr 8, 2022 by Charlotte Colombo

three photos of a woman putting mayo on corn

‘Disneyland be playing us’: Viral TikTok exposes Disney’s Mexican street elote you have to assemble yourself

‘I know they did NOT give you Parmesan cheese.’

On Dec 7, 2021 by Kahron Spearman

Homepage article image

‘Sue Disney’: TikToker blames Disneyland for her chronic bone infection

The park gave her a FastPass for the inconvenience.

On Sep 14, 2021 by Cecilia Lenzen

person preparing churros with sugar and syrup

‘Disneyland actually brainwashes you’: TikToker shares wild theory about how Disneyland gets you to buy churros

‘Have you ever walked by a building with a bunch of speakers on it, but no sound is coming out?’

On Sep 9, 2021 by Phil West

The Daily Dot