marjorie taylor greene (l) milo yiannopoulos (r)

Gage Skidmore/Flickr Lucian Wintrich/Wikimedia (CC-BY-SA)

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s new intern once called for every member of Congress to be ‘hanged’

Screenshots are forever.


Claire Goforth


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) recently added a controversial member to her team: far-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos.

To prepare for his high-profile but reportedly unpaid internship, Yiannopoulos scrubbed his social media history. He’s deleted everything prior to April 19 on Telegram. Over the years, he’s directed some of his more scathing barbs at people with whom he should arguably be aligned, including politicians and media outlets on the right.

Record of his posts remain, however, because Telegram doesn’t remove posts forwarded by other channels. Screenshots and quotes from his old posts also continue circulating on Twitter.

He’s gone after Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), Jordan Peterson (“the stupidest man in the world”), the Gateway Pundit, Daily Wire, and others. Not even former President Donald Trump has been spared his wrath.

In October, he reacted with pleasure to news of Trump’s social media platform collapsing under troll attacks. “Good. He deserves to fail at everything,” he wrote. Last July, he referred to Trump as a “useless fat coward.”

Trump isn’t the only politician Yiannopoulos has attacked.

In late 2020, he opined, “Every member of Congress should be hanged for treason.”

A July 2021 post shows Yiannopoulos writing of the Daily Wire, “We’re taking a stand … by asking you for money to ruin your country.”

In December he accused the Gateway Pundit of smearing Joseph “Tim” Gionet, better known as Baked Alaska, with an “error-strewn bit of insinuation.”

In March, he posted a screenshot of a tweet saying of the very government where he now interns, “They all hate you & could care less if you suffer & die horrible deaths, as long as they got rich.”

In Body Image
Milo Yiannopoulos/Telegram

In recent months, Yiannopoulos, who says that he is an “ex-gay” man, has directed particular venom at LGBTQ people. His Telegram profile notes that he is opening a clinic to offer conversion therapy “in Florida for men plagued by same-sex attraction.” Conversion therapy is widely considered by experts to be extremely harmful and ineffective. It’s banned in many states.

In January, he asked if there is “anything more depressing than Log Cabin Republicans.” The group he refers to represents LGBTQ Republicans. In November he opined that lesbian couples’ “two main hobbies” are “beating the shit out of each other and murdering their adopted children.”

“Should gay men like Dave Rubin be allowed to adopt young boys?” Yiannopoulos wondered in March, after Rubin announced that he and his husband are expecting two babies via surrogates.

In other posts, Yiannopoulos used racist and homophobic slurs and directed other abuse at his (purportedly former) fellow homosexuals.

Neither Yiannopoulos nor Greene replied to request for comment about his previous posts sent via email Wednesday afternoon.

While some of the posts predate his internship, others may not. When Yiannopoulos and Greene confirmed the news earlier this week, rumors about them working together had already been circulating since late April, when he attended a press conference she hosted. The precise date he began working for her office has not been reported, however.

According to white nationalist Nick Fuentes, the pair had already been associating for months before the press conference.

On March 3, a CBS reporter tweeted a video of Fuentes introducing Greene at his conference.

During the introduction, Fuentes extended a “very special thank for Milo Yiannopoulos for making this happen.”

Yiannopoulos is known for being evocative and offensive. Sometimes he’s sincere; sometimes he’s simply trolling. It can be difficult to tell the difference.

These talents may make him a natural fit for his current internship, though how long he’ll last remains an open question.

As Yiannopoulos once said, “politics isn’t a noble calling or a worthwhile profession.”

Disclosure: Milo Yiannopoulos was the founder of the Kernel, a publication the Daily Dot acquired in 2014.

The Daily Dot