
If you claim to hate fictional clichés, this meme is for you

The two main characters get trapped in an elevator together? Sign me up!

Photo of Rachel Kiley

Rachel Kiley

i hate cliches meme

“There is no such thing as a new idea,” Mark Twain once said. And while writers do their best to find new ways to package old ideas, the fact of the matter is that well-worn tropes and clichés are recognizable no matter if you’re gender-swapping characters or tossing them onto an alien spaceship bound for the wild wild west.

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And no matter how often we groan when we spot the tell-tale signs of a cliché so familiar we could mumble along with it in our sleep, there’s a reason they’re repeated so often: we secretly really love them.

Some of them, anyway. Every one of us has our trope preferences, and specifically, that handful of set-ups or moments that have us frantically clicking away at the “buy now” button before we’ve even finished reading a book or movie’s description.

In typical internet fashion, Twitter users have taken to not only sharing their favorite tropes this week, but doing it in an accurately self-deprecating way. Look, we all know we’re hypocrites when it comes to proclaiming our disdain for the well-traveled road of clichés. So let’s enjoy being hypocrites together.


‘I hate cliches’ meme





Some of the tropes covered are broad enough that you can build a whole plot out of them. Honestly, how many “friends with benefits gone terribly wrong” stories have we all consumed at this point? (The only acceptable answer is “not enough.”)


But others go directly to highly specific moments that are just as easily recognizable as their broader counterparts. And boy, when those moments come…if there were an emoji simultaneously rolling its eyes and grinning the biggest grin ever, this would be a highly appropriate place for it to go.



No matter the genre, or target demographic, or medium, a well-loved trope can cross boundaries and bring readers or viewers of all types together to agree on one thing: we totally hate clichés…but not this one.


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