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Newsletter: Absurd amount of Airbnb rules go viral

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Andrew Wyrich

Internet Culture

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Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Andrew here. Welcome to today’s edition of web_crawlr

Our top stories to kick off the week are about: A McDonald’s customer getting a “completely raw” burger, how “Barbenheimer” is the cinematic meme of the summer, an absurd list of rules an Airbnb guest got from a host, and the gross way men are playing with their food on TikTok. 

After that, we’ve got a “Your Password Sucks” column from our Tech Reporter Mikael

See you tomorrow! 

— A.W. 

⚡ Today’s top stories

‘Now you don’t have to work a day in your life’: McDonald’s customer claims they received a ‘completely raw’ burger

How would you react if you got an undercooked burger from the fast food chain?


Barbenheimer is the cinematic meme of the summer

You wouldn’t expect two of the summer’s most anticipated movies—Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimerwould go together in any way, shape, or form.


‘Sounds like they shouldn’t be renting out their house’: Airbnb host doesn’t let guests touch anything in house, plasters rules all over

An Airbnb guest went viral after sharing the absurd amount of rules that their host left behind. 


Men are playing with their food on TikTok—and the results are a little gross

Yay! Men have learned to cook. But no, we don’t need to see them do it in a sexual way.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

🔒 Your Password Sucks

By Mikael Thalen

In Body Image

Welcome to Your Password Sucks, the web_crawlr column that answers all your internet security related questions.

Today, web_crawlr reader Mary T. asks: “If I search for something I get inundated with ‘ads’ for that subject… How can I search without be bombarded with junk?”

Do you have an internet security question you want answered? Let Mikael know! His “Your Password Sucks” column runs bi-weekly in the web_crawlr newsletter.

If your question gets picked to be answered in a future column, you’ll get a pretty sweet “Your Password Sucks” shirt!  

Got a question you want answered? Sign up for web_crawlr here so you can learn how to surf the ‘net safely.

🕸️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the ‘net.

🥣 A video went viral after a mother said her son was admitted into the burn ICU unit after suffering second-degree burns from dropping a Cup Noodles soup cup in his lap.

🛒 If you’ve ever ordered groceries via Instacart, you may have fallen victim to perplexingly poor substitutions or gross misinterpretations of some of the items in your order.

🍿 A slovenly couple went to the movies, had themselves a picnic which included a loaf of bread and a slab of ham—and then left it behind even before the end credits rolled.

🛎️ Book your next stay with these three alternatives that will treat you better than Airbnb.

🥃 A customer at a liquor store discovered just how anxiety-inducing it can be to try to purchase booze after his service request was blasted loudly for the whole store to hear.

☕ Chivalry isn’t dead. It’s just working at the local coffee shop.

🥯 People online are defending Starbucks employees after a customer complained that her bagel from the coffee chain didn’t come buttered.

📺 From the Daily Dot archive: What happens when your favorite TV show gets canceled

*The Daily Dot may receive a commission in connection with purchases of products or services featured here.

👋 Before you go

A user’s clip on TikTok went viral after he claimed he lost part of his pinky when a dog attacked him on the job as an Amazon delivery driver.

In a video with over 3 million views, TikTok user Rjay (@og_rjay) shows the incident in which he says the injury was sustained.

As he explains in a later video, he had left his car to make a delivery when he saw a dog loose in the driveway. Backing away, another dog began chasing after him.

Amazon truck footage of worker delivering package (l) Amazon employee with part of pinky gone (c) Amazon truck footage of dog running after worker (r)
@og_rjay/TikTok (Fair Use) Remix by Caterina Cox

🎶 Now Playing: “Hot Razor” by $uicideboy$ 🎶 

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