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U.S. and U.K. testing response scenarios for financial-sector cyberattacks

This is how serious the countries are about a potentially devastating hack.

On Nov 2, 2015 by Eric Geller

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This U.K. teen’s rap video about Orangina is next level

Son, what?

On Oct 26, 2015 by Ziwe Fumudoh

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British man sentenced to prison for sending explicit video of his ex to her 10-year-old brother

A man sent a sex video of his ex-girlfriend to her 10-year-old brother

On Oct 21, 2015 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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‘Hoverboards’ are illegal on London streets, so these pranksters rode them in front of police

These officers need better training.

On Oct 16, 2015 by Michelle Jaworski

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U.K. spy agency runs massive surveillance program named after Radiohead song

Radiohead, by the way, hates surveillance.

On Sep 25, 2015 by Patrick Howell O'Neill

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#PigGate remix video mocks rumored swine enthusiast David Cameron

It's #PigGate: The Musical, starring Prime Minister David Cameron himself.

On Sep 22, 2015 by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

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#Piggate explained—or, why everyone is talking about David Cameron and a dead pig

The U.S. presidential election is weird, but this is a hundred times weirder.

On Sep 21, 2015 by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

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U.K. intelligence officials echo FBI’s anti-encryption stance

They don't want terrorists to 'be able to plot and communicate out of the reach of authorities.'

On Sep 17, 2015 by Eric Geller

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We should start our days later and sleep in more, says hero

Sleep scientists are closing in on proof that no one is truly a morning person.

On Sep 11, 2015 by Cynthia McKelvey

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America’s gun control laws are a farce—and it’s beyond time to call foul

There's been at least one shooting per day this year. It cannot remain this way.

On Aug 28, 2015 by Chris Osterndorf

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Six U.K. teenagers arrested for DDoSing with Lizard Squad software

British police continue their crackdown on people who use this easy hacking tool.

On Aug 28, 2015 by William Turton

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U.K. culture department regrets tweeting Poohsticks safety advice

Oh bother.

On Aug 27, 2015 by Michelle Jaworski

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U.K. government reveals thousands died after their welfare payments were stopped

The Conservative government insists that there is causal link between the two factors.

On Aug 27, 2015 by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

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U.K. and Ecuador exchange accusations over Julian Assange’s case

Assange has been hiding at Ecuador's embassy for more than three years.

On Aug 18, 2015 by Dell Cameron

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U.K. court strikes down sweeping government surveillance law

It's a big win for privacy, but the fight is not yet over.

On Jul 17, 2015 by Eric Geller