
Parents refusing to leave closed playground call officers ‘Nazis,’ cough at them

One of the protesters is a school board member, and thousands have signed a petition calling on her to step down after a video of the incident went viral.

On May 2, 2020 by Alexandra Samuels

Protester carries his rifle at the State Capitol in Lansing, Mich.,

Trump echoes Charlottesville comments, calls Michigan protesters ‘very good people’

His dual standards are showing.

On May 1, 2020 by Claire Goforth

Fake body bags outside of Donald Trump's D.C. hotel

Body bags left outside Trump’s D.C. hotel in protest of coronavirus response

‘We needed to do something to show that most of the country believes in science.’

On Apr 24, 2020 by Mikael Thalen

Screengrabs show officer politely asking the family to leave; and a mini procession that followed Sara Brady after she was arrested

Mom arrested for refusing to leave park sparks conversation on white privilege

‘Officer, you don’t want to do that.’

On Apr 23, 2020 by Samira Sadeque

trump supporters protest stay at home orders

Facebook is playing cat-and-mouse with lockdown protest pages

Protesters criticized for increasing risk of virus spreading.

On Apr 20, 2020 by Claire Goforth

coronavirus healthcare protest

Video shows lockdown protester telling nurse to ‘go to China’

Healthcare workers stood up against protesters.

On Apr 20, 2020 by Tiffanie Drayton

covid is a lie protester

Protester spotted with ‘COVID-19 is a lie’ sign—yet wearing full protective gear

‘Can’t make this stuff up.’

On Apr 18, 2020 by Rachel Kiley

stephen moore coronavirus protesters rosa parks

Trump advisor flamed for saying coronavirus protesters are like ‘modern-day Rosa Parks’

‘They are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties,’ he said of the protesters who are unhappy with stay-at-home orders.

On Apr 18, 2020 by Alexandra Samuels


Government officials are reportedly targeting protesters via WhatsApp

Protests in Lebanon exploded over a tax on the app’s use.

On Mar 9, 2020 by Samira Sadeque

Homepage article image

Riots break out after a fake email about coronavirus went viral

Rioters attacked hospitals and burned blockades.

On Feb 20, 2020 by Brooke Sjoberg

Rep. Rashida Tlaib protests working conditions Delta Airlines

Rashida Tlaib detained during protests over airline work conditions

The congresswoman was briefly detained during the protests.

On Feb 14, 2020 by Mikael Thalen

gun rights rally richmond va

Second Amendment protesters defend gun rights with truly terrible signs

Gun rights activists rallied at Virginia’s capital in Richmond on Monday.

On Jan 20, 2020 by Kahron Spearman

Photos showed members from the community braving the rain to sing and dance around the Menorah

New Yorkers light giant menorah in solidarity following anti-Semitic attacks

The rally comes after attacks on members of the Jewish community.

On Dec 30, 2019 by Samira Sadeque

Homepage article image

As internet access restored in Iran, videos showing government abuses leak out

The government claims its actions were justified.

On Dec 2, 2019 by Claire Goforth


Video shows activists protesting violence against women in Chile

The protesters broke out in a choreographed chant and dance.

On Nov 26, 2019 by Siobhan Ball

The Daily Dot