Trump Administration Transphobia HUD HHS

Trump’s transphobic policies are disgusting—but they aren’t new

How an anti-LGBTQ organization’s talking points are becoming national policy.

On by Ana Valens

the Senate handedly voted down the Republican-led effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Senate bill to repeal and replace Obamacare fails in late-night vote

There was a lot of drama in the Senate yesterday.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Mitch McConnell Senate Healthcare Bill

Here’s the full text of the secret Senate healthcare bill

It’s finally out from behind closed doors.

On by Andrew Couts

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Virginia congressman says women are up ‘in my grill’ about ACA repeal

He insists women are ‘being paid to go around and raise havoc.’

On by Jaya Saxena

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Did this Facebook user really not get that Obamacare = Affordable Care Act?

‘I’m not on Obamacare… I’m gonna be fine.’

On by Jay Hathaway

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U.S. court rules that religious nonprofits can’t block access to birth control

Some people REALLY don’t like contraception.

On by Mary Emily O’Hara

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5 reasons Obama is a better president than you think

As Obama fights for net neutrality, it’s time to celebrate his biggest accomplishments.

On by Matthew Rozsa

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Supreme Court rules against Obama’s ACA in ‘Hobby Lobby’ contraceptive case

Is religious freedom more important than women’s health?

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Heartbleed forces password reset

No, you’re not at risk.

On by Andrew Couts

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Will the 2020 Census be the next

In capitalist America, you don’t count on government, government counts you.

On by Aaron Sankin

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Sen. Ted Cruz’s ACA Facebook poll goes wildly wrong

Thousands of Facebook users tell Ted Cruz how healthcare reform has improved their lives.

On by Tim Sampson

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Obama: ‘The Affordable Care Act is here to stay’

A last minute surge helps beat original its enrollment goal.

On by Tim Sampson

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Find out how much you’ll pay under Obamacare in 30 seconds

Calculator lets you see how much you’ll pay for a plan via

On by Tim Sampson

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Obama’s stint with Zach Galifianakis drove a ton of traffic to

President Obama’s appearance on Zach Galifianakis’ webseries was the top referrer to at one point.  

On by Kate Knibbs

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FTC sues email spammers for lying about Obamacare

Turns out some spam isn’t just annoying, it’s illegal.

On by Joe Kloc

The Daily Dot