Woman details ‘worst’ date she’s ever been on. Guys don’t realize they’re doing this

@thelifeofbethchronicles/TikTok guys_who_shoot/ShutterStock (Licensed)

‘He lied about his height’: Woman details ‘worst’ date she’s ever been on. Guys don’t realize they’re doing this

‘Let’s normalize walking out on bad dates’


Jack Alban


In a viral TikTok, a woman details the “worst” date she’s ever been on. Unfortunately, according to the comments, a lot of guys don’t even realize they’re doing this.

In the video, TikTok user Beth (@thelifeofbethchronicles) explains she had a very bad date with a man she met for the first time. The date was so bad, she says, and she felt threatened by his antics enough to record him acting a fool as a means of protecting herself in case things went south.

Beth, thankfully, was able to extricate herself from the maddening and sometimes frightening situation, but not before attempting to help this man she wanted nothing to do with from the very start of their first physical meeting. She detailed this in a viral TikTok that’s garnered over 1.5 million views as of Sunday morning.

Beth begins her video with a bold statement: She just endured what she calls the “worst” dating experience of her “whole entire life.”

From the get-go things were off to a bad start before they even met up at the restaurant. Beth arrived first, only to receive a call that her date is running late due to pedestrian traffic and he does not sound happy. She tells him to relax and it’s “not that serious” that he’s late, while he swears on the phone and is generally “pissed” off and vocalizing his anger.

Unfortunately, the behavior did not improve when he did eventually show up to the restaurant. Beth says that he greeted her with a roar that she called “cringe” and he then proceeded to hug her as if she was the love of his life he hadn’t seen in three months.

Their time at dinner was so awkward, she says, that she had to go to the bathroom twice just to escape the painful vibe between the two of them. One silver lining she experienced, it seems, were some other women in the restroom she quickly befriended and confided that she was currently experiencing the worst date of her life. Back at the table, the TikToker says that the guy kept trying to hold her hand and when she demonstrated she wasn’t comfortable with that he then asked why.

She says he did cover the entirety of the dinner bill, which was $127, even though she “offered to pay [her] side,” and when dinner was over they took to the street to walk around. After dinner, Beth’s date invited her to a nearby cigar lounge. She declined, but says he aggressively pressured her into going. At the end of the evening, her date indicated that he was potentially unsure where he had left his vehicle, and appeared to Beth to be somewhat intoxicated.

It’s at that point her date came clean. “I may have had a lot of alcohol before I came because I was nervous,” he told her. She couldn’t believe he was drunk and proceeded to call him out on it. The man repeated that he was “nervous” while apologizing profusely for getting hammered prior to their meet up.

She then had to take on a role of chaperone, stating that she literally pulled him by his shirt in order to help him find his vehicle, but the guy has zero idea as to where he parked his car. After asking him what level he was parked on, Beth says that he “really leaned” into being drunk, and she asked him for his car keys so she could sound the horn in an attempt to locate his whip.

“We start at the top and we work our way down. I’m so nice, I wanted to leave his bootay-tay-tay just sitting…but I’m nice so I try…to help him find his car. We can’t find his car, we’re honking the horn, he starts to get very angry. He’s throwing his food, yelling, hooting, hollering, screaming, kicking the pillar…like we’re in a parking garage.”

Disturbed by his behavior, Beth said that she decided to start recording her experience with him. “He’s drunk, he’s pissed. I’m just trying to calm him down. I’m like it’s gonna be okay, you’ve gotta calm down, we’re gonna find your car, like it’s gonna be fine. I’m being so nice,” she says.

It’s at this point in the evening, while her date is throwing a temper tantrum and she’s trying to de-escalate the situation that Beth notices a security car driving around the garage. She said that she flagged the guard down to help her as she didn’t care about being considerate of this guy’s feelings any longer.

It turns out the security guards took the matter seriously from the get-go and that they jumped out of their vehicle and were calling for back up thinking that she was in danger. She then quickly explained to them that “everything’s fine” and that her date was just “drunk” and “angry” and that they’re unable to locate his vehicle. “This is a first date and I would really like to just leave. Like can you guys just take over?” she asked.

Beth took the time to explain how their date went down while handing the guards the keys to the irate man’s car along and telling them the area she suspects it’s parked from the sound of the horn that went off whenever she pressed the alarm button. The drunk man wasn’t much help in the situation as he couldn’t even describe what his car looked like, and the TikToker says that she had to relay her personal information to the security guards and that the ordeal was “a whole thing.”

The histrionics didn’t stop when Beth handed the keys over to the security guards and began walking away either, she said that her date yelled at her from a distance. “You’re done with me aren’t you you’re done I’m never gonna hear from you again. And I was like,” she widens her eyes into the camera as if to intone how disturbed she was by his actions. “The two security guards were just laughing with me like…yeah dude.”

Towards the end of the clip, Beth seemed to have a lot of takeaways for first date safety. “But this why we take our own car, this is why we keep our phone fully charged and full of storage so we can record things. I already blocked his number in front of the security guards and…block,” she says.

Making good on her promise of uploading footage of her struggle in attempting to help the guy find his car, she posted a TikTok containing a recording of the man wigging out in the parking garage. He can be heard screaming in the clip and just like Beth said, she is attempting to calm him down in his state of drunken rage. The clip eventually shows her interaction with the security guards who appear to be bewildered by the man’s behavior.

@thelifeofbethchronicles What’s your worst first date? This is the *short* version of mine. #thelifeofbeth #datinginyour20s ♬ original sound – TheLifeOfBeth ™️

Sadly, Beth’s experience sparked a conversation about a very stark reality some women face while dating and one that the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has compiled a hefty amount of data on: Dating violence and abuse. The agency writes, “Dating violence is very common in the United States. It can happen at any age, but young women are most likely to experience dating violence. More than four in 10 college women have experienced violence or abuse in a dating relationship.”

Many viewers who shared in Beth’s outrage agreed that she was indeed on a date from hell. One person penned, “Let’s normalize walking out on bad dates.”

Someone else said that there was no way they would’ve let the date go as far as Beth did: “The RAWR…..I would have left at the rawr.”

One user indicated she’s also experienced this behavior before. “The amount of first dates I’ve gone on where they admit to taking multiple shots before, because they’re ‘nervous’ … never get second dates,” she wrote.

Another remarked that the man was intentionally acting more drunk than he actually was in an attempt for Beth to try and take him home. “I have a sneaky feeling he was acting drunk so you’d drive him to your place because ‘he wouldn’t remember where he lives,’” wrote the user.

For one TikToker, Beth’s experience was a cautionary tale in when having too much empathy in situations where it’s unwarranted can be dangerous: “You’re so nice. But we need to stop being so nice.”

The Daily Dot has reached out to Beth via TikTok comment for further information.

The Daily Dot