Driver shares PSA after hearing stranger’s whole conversation through car’s bluetooth

@seekingsav/TikTok nazar kantora/ShutterStock (Licensed)

Driver shares PSA after hearing stranger’s whole conversation through car’s Bluetooth

‘She was pissed because he came home late.’


Phil West


A driver decided to issue a PSA about other drivers who use Bluetooth for their phone conversations before summarizing a recent scandalous conversation she overheard.

The advice comes from TikTok creator Sav (@seekingsav).

“Just a PSA in case you forgot, or you didn’t know,” she starts. “When your phone is on Bluetooth in your car, it’s basically a megaphone for everybody around your car.”

She then relays a couple’s argument she overheard.

“She was pissed because he came home late, but he didn’t need to come home that late,” she says. “But of course, he didn’t need to come home that late.”


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She continues, “I’m looking at her; I can only see her yelling. I can’t hear her yelling, but I can hear everything this man is saying.”

“And I’m not picking sides,” the creator concludes, “but his story was not very convincing.”

Sav’s video garnered more than 829,000 views since going up on Aug. 31.

Commenters shared their own experiences with overhearing Bluetooth conversations.

“I heard a woman way down the street in my neighborhood on the phone with her divorce lawyer when I was on my balcony,” someone reported.

Another shared, “Sometimes I’ll sit in my car just to listen to another’s conversation before I get out.”

The creator confessed, “That was me.”

One commenter revealed, “Lol this is how I caught my ex talking to his ‘friend’ like I couldn’t hear right outside his car.”

In the United States, a number of states have laws governing cellphone use, with some banning phone calls for drivers unless they’re with hands-free devices—though some states even restrict those types of calls. The Drive Safely site has a list organized by individual states.

While many cars on the road are equipped with Bluetooth for the sound system, allowing drivers to talk on the phone hands-free, there are also workarounds making this PSA more widely applicable.

Amazon currently has Bluetooth-powered phone call broadcast devices available, including a number of different speakers that affixes to a car’s sun visor, allowing for hands-free talking.

The Daily Dot has reached out to the creator via TikTok comment.

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