Chili's customer speaking with caption 'is there any way I can buy one' (l) Chili's sign (c) Chili's customer speaking with caption 'okay I mean don't tell anyone' (r)

Nolichuckyjake/Shutterstock @camillesmiith/TikTok (Licensed) Remix by Caterina Cox

‘Well that was unexpected!!’: Chili’s customer asks server if she can buy one of the skillets. Here’s what she did

‘me as a server, especially working corporate’


Jack Alban


In a world dominated by negative news headlines, a Chili’s customer captures the wholesome moment she asks her server if she can buy one of the skillets.

In a viral TikTok captioned “Well that was unexpected!! Best server ever!” Camille captures a moment of pure joy and surprise during a family meal at Chili’s in a video that has garnered more than 2.6 million views.

The video opens with Camille in front of a skillet brownie. Her husband encourages her to ask a question that’s clearly been on her mind. “I’ve loved these since college. Is there any way I could buy a cookie skillet?” she inquires, her eyes gleaming at the sight of the delicious dessert and the vessel which carries it.

The server’s response? A heartwarming offer to “sneak” her one of the coveted skillets. The couple’s reaction is one of pure delight, a small but nowadays rare gesture that turned their meal into an unforgettable night out. “Don’t tell anyone,” the server says while the group shares a laugh.

The Internet Reacts with Joy

The comments section of the video is a testament to how memorable these moments can be for folks. One former server reminisced, “Haha this was me as a server, sneaking people cheese graters from Olive Garden,” sharing a similar spirit of generosity. Another user chimed in, “If you ask they’ll 90% of the time just give it to you lol.” This brings to mind the old adage, “If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.” Meanwhile, a slightly cynical viewer suggested, “Sneak you one = tip me.” This points out the potential for a mutually beneficial exchange. But hey there’s another old adage: “Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.”

This isn’t the first time a restaurant has gone above and beyond for its patrons. Olive Garden, for instance, is known for selling cheese graters and boxes of their famous chocolate mints to those who ask. But Camille’s experience at Chili’s takes it to a new level – offering a piece of the restaurant experience for free, out of the goodness of her heart. Maybe the server was beginning to get into the Holiday Season. And we thought the unlimited chips and salsa was a deal!

@camillesmiith Well that was unexpected!! Best server ever! #chilis #cookieskillet #trend ♬ original sound – The Smith Family🤍

The Spirit of American Dining

Camille Smith’s viral TikTok video is more than just a cute story; it’s a reminder of the joy and connection that can be found in the most unexpected places. In United States dining culture, where customer satisfaction is classically treasured, these small acts of kindness reflect a deeper understanding that when everyone is happy, the dining experience can become something truly special. So next time you’re dining out and find yourself adoring a particular aspect of your meal, don’t hesitate to ask—you might just be pleasantly surprised.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Chili’s and Camille via email for comment. 

The Daily Dot