
Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Tomi Lahren is stoked about the ‘straight pride’ parade

Are we surprised?


Caitlin Davis

Layer 8

A group of heterosexual men are trying to organize a “straight pride” parade to celebrate their straightness during Pride Month. None other than far-right personality Tomi Lahren is stoked about the groundbreaking concept.

“Why is it so taboo nowadays to recognize or be proud of heterosexuality?” Lahren asks on the streaming service Fox Nation.

Lahren made sure to note she has “no issue with LGBT people being proud of who they are,” but still, she “could do without seeing men in speedos and buttless chaps parading through the streets.”

The parade is being organized by the far-right, white-nationalist led group Super Fun Happy America, which “advocates on behalf of the straight community.” The groundbreaking concept was met with jokes and confusion when the organizers announced what they were planning.

“Straight people are an oppressed majority,” John Hugo, President of Super Happy Fun America, wrote on the group’s website.

It seems Lahren agrees with that sentiment because she claims straight, white men are the real victims here.

“Don’t forget, it is open season on straight white men in this country and y’all aren’t allowed to celebrate your straightness,” Lahren exclaimed.

Twitter users quickly shut Lahren down–almost as quickly as they shut down the straight pride parade.

“Had no idea I was being persecuted. Opening GoFundMe account tonight. Thanks Tomi,” one straight, white male quipped in response to seeing the video.

Another Twitter user pointed out that the group’s vice president, Mark Sahady, is an active member of the far-right group, Resist Marxism.

“Isn’t it funny how the so-called loving and tolerant leftists and members of the LGBT community demand respect for their events and celebrations, but are so quick to diminish, demonize, and mock groups they disagree with?” Lahren asked.

Both Amazon and Etsy sell buttless chaps that you can purchase just in time for Pride festivities.


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H/T the Daily Beast

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