paul joseph watson

Paul Joseph Watson/Twitter

Everyone’s making fun of this InfoWars bro’s sad selfie

He’s very melodramatic.


David Covucci

Layer 8

Yesterday, Facebook and Instagram took action against “dangerous” viewpoints on their platforms, suspending a number of far-right figures.

Conspiracy site InfoWars was particularly hit hard, as all its presence on Instagram was taken down, as well as the pages of Paul Joseph Watson, who for a long time was Alex Jones’ second-in-command.

Jones was previously banned from Twitter. But Watson still thrives there, and late last night he asked everyone to “remember us” a healthy 2o times in one tweet.

While some conservatives have a legitimate complaint about social media bias, the conspiracy-touting and xenophobic Watson posting a melodramatic selfie like he’d just watched a real-life genocide go down was too funny for a lot of people.

Then there was this correct take.


The Daily Dot