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This ‘Rugrats’ Chuckie shirt is perfect for days you just can’t adult

Dress like a loveable, neurotic toddler!

Photo of Jaime Carrillo

Jaime Carrillo

rugrats chuckie shirt

Are you a shaky worrywart who’s still frightened of monsters jumping out of your closet? Slap on this Rugrats Chuckie shirt dummy!

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If you’re Chuckie Finster, you think the world is a terrifying place (because it is). Luckily, Chuckie has a gang of friends to keep him grounded and talk him down from losing his fragile, developing mind. His shirt is as iconic as his freckles and messy red hair. Putting on his shirt might just give the world a heads up. Baby blue with red trim and yellow planet emblem, it basically screams “please, go easy on me.”

On days where adulting is just too much to handle (ahem, every day), put on your Chuckie shirt, available on ThinkGeek for $24.99.

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