hyperloop one progress

Hyperloop One

New images show progress on Hyperloop One high-speed transit system

This tube is the future of transportation.


Phillip Tracy


Hyperloop One posted new photos of its high-speed transit tube—confirming the futuristic mode of transportation is on its way to becoming a reality.

The company is building its first full-scale test track about 30 minutes outside of Las Vegas, Nevada on a site it calls “DevLoop.” When it’s complete, it should be able to demonstrate Elon Musk’s vision for how we will travel long distances in the future.

hyperloop one test track nevada
Hyperloop One

The concept is ambitious, even by today’s standards. The idea is to load people into pods and fire them through vacuum tubes at more than 600mph. A trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles, which would normally take five hours, could be cut down to 30 minutes.

hyperloop one build test track
Hyperloop One

As you can see from the images, Hyperloop one is well on its way to taking the fiction out of sci-fi. While it may look like an ordinary pipeline, Devloop is expected to start doing test runs on 500 meters of track by the first half of this year.

hyperloop one test track nevada
Hyperloop One
hyperloop one pod rendering
Hyperloop One
hyperloop one control station concept
Hyperloop One

The first commercial installation is set to travel around 100 miles from Dubai to Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes. It could possibly be ready as soon as 2021.

H/T The Verge

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