Internet Culture

Internet sleuths have potentially discovered Ben Affleck’s secret finsta

The account is followed by Ana de Armas and Jennifer Garner—the most obvious clues the account is the real deal.

Photo of Stacey Ritzen

Stacey Ritzen

ben affleck finsta

Ben Affleck has been holding out on us, y’all. That’s right, the 47-year-old divorced father of three—who has, most recently found love in the arms of 32-year-old Cuban actress Ana de Armas—is reported to have a top-secret finsta account.

A finsta, for the uninitiated, is a fake Instagram account, typically employed by teens and young adults—usually to document candid activity that they only want privy to close friends and away from the prying eyes of parents and other authority figures. For obvious reasons, celebrities are also known to keep finsta accounts. And now, those hallowed ranks also allegedly include Ben Affleck!

Though Affleck does have a public Instagram account that currently boasts over 4.3 million followers, his supposed finsta recently came to the attention of the internet, thanks to journalist Kelsey Weekman (who, to be honest, deserves a Pulitzer for this reporting).

“I found Ben Affleck’s finsta,” Weekman announced Thursday afternoon, along with a screenshot of the private user account hilariously named @positiveattitudehunting, which features a close-up photo of Armas kissing Affleck’s nose as the avatar. Currently, the account has three followers (one of which is Armas, ostensibly) and follows 14 people.

“Just a dad who sometimes makes movies,” reads the bio. Stealthy!

In Body Image

“I was checking to see if he and Ana de Armas follow each other on Instagram and I found a suspicious account she’s following under the name “ben” and there’s just… no way this isn’t him,” Weekman explained in a follow-up tweet of her shocking discovery.

Oh, but the plot thickens from there. In response to Weekman’s tweet, Fortune associate editor Emma Hinchliffe noticed the account is also followed by Affleck’s ex-wife Jennifer Garner.

To recap, Affleck has a secret finsta account, which is followed by his current and ex-flames, respectively. So the big question on everyone’s mind is, who is the third follower?

It’s gotta be Matt Damon,” guessed Mashable reporter Nicole Gallucci.

Yet another user noticed that the account was created the same day Armas posted birthday pics. “She followed it a few mins after she posted for maximum clout,” tweeted @rollingrollin8. “He uploaded about 20 pics the first day.”

Is @positiveattitudehunting really Affleck’s finsta account that he uses to document his adoration for his girlfriend? And is it possible that he does so in secret to avoid getting made fun of, like he does for just about everything else? But if so, why is the account perplexingly being followed by his ex?

There are just so many questions, which presumably will be revealed in good time. Until then, you do you, Positive Attitude Hunting.


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