reddit worst house guests

Reddit users share stories of the worst things guests have done in their homes

Steal a birthday cake baked for someone else? Yeah, you probably won’t get invited back.

On by Siobhan Ball

Subway award

Pregnant woman gives ‘Decent Dude’ award to man who gave up his subway seat

More decent dudes on public transportation, please.

On by Jessica Machado

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How would Emily Post teach kids about social-media etiquette?

Are today’s kids particularly concerned with how they come across online?

On by Marisa Kabas

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Is it OK to hit on people using apps that aren’t meant for dating?

Save that stuff for Tinder.

On by Marisa Kabas

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Should your social media really show how much you like to party?

It’s tempting to brag about your party lifestyle on Instagram. But should you?

On by Marisa Kabas

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Should you make your relationship status public on social media?

In the first edition of ‘HTTP’s and Q’s,’ we explore this murky topic.

On by Marisa Kabas

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3 dogs take turns saying hello through tiny pet door

‘So what’s the deal in here?’

On by Miles Klee

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The toxic world of wedding reviews on Yelp

This land of passive-aggressiveness is where friendships go to die.

On by Jaya Saxena

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7 tips to using your phone on public transportation without being that jerk everyone hates

Please don’t be that person.

On by S.E. Smith

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Google tells Glass users to quit being so creepy and rude

Living on the cutting edge takes manners.

On by Miles Klee

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Politeness locks in path to fame

How POLITE_ALLCAPS_GUY became a Reddit celebrity in just four months.

On by Kevin Morris

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Politeness counts: A Q&A with Reddit’s POLITE_ALLCAPS_GUY


On by Kevin Morris

The Daily Dot