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Buzz killed

Google finally pulls the plug on social failure Buzz and is hoping people head over to Google+.

On Oct 14, 2011 by Lauren Rae Orsini

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Why Google+ is struggling

A Google engineer’s gaffe reflects poorly on its Facebook rival.

On Oct 12, 2011 by Jake Swearingen

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Hang out with the Dalai Lama

If you’ve never had the chance to rub elbows with the Dalai Lama, now is your chance. Your elbow may never touch his but you can come to a virtual chat Saturday.

On Oct 7, 2011 by Jordan Valinsky

Tom from Myspace

@myspaceT0m smacks MySpace Tom

A parody account has Twitter laughing with—and about—MySpace cofounder Tom Anderson.

On Sep 26, 2011 by Fernando Alfonso III

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Will Will.i.am’s performance help Google+?

Rapper and Black Eyed Peas member Will.i.am will help promote Google+ to the masses with a concert tonight.

On Sep 21, 2011 by Sid Yadav

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Google+ throws open its doors

Google+, the search giant’s community effort is now open to all comers. Now the question is: they built it, will they come?

On Sep 20, 2011 by Kevin Morris

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Twitter and Facebook and Google+, oh my!

A Bloomberg story about Google’s social network spawns all sorts of headscratching and debate.

On Sep 1, 2011 by Dave Copeland

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Could quake shake Twitter loyalty?

Longtime tweeter Drew Olanoff was disappointed by the Twitter community’s flip reaction to the Virginia quake.

On Aug 23, 2011 by Janet Kornblum

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The right not to remain silent

Our rights to speak and assemble in the mobile world are under assault by bureaucrats and businessmen.

On Aug 17, 2011 by Owen Thomas

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Google+ growing, but where are the stars?

While Google+ may have drawn the tech press, it’s done little to attract celebrities.

On Aug 16, 2011 by Dave Copeland

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Bots aren’t YouTube’s favorite

A top YouTuber, Whiteboy7thst, has lodged accusations that some video creators are boosting their apparent fan base through sketchy means.

On Aug 12, 2011 by Fruzsina Eördögh

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Google defends anonymity rules

Anti-pseudonyms policy on Google+ has some social users up in arms, others offer tepid support.

On Aug 12, 2011 by Dave Copeland

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Social networks’ identity checks raise a ruckus

Google+ instructs users to “use the name your friends, family, or coworkers usually call you.” But following those rules didn’t save Opensource Obscure’s account.

On Aug 8, 2011 by Lauren Rae Orsini

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Google+’s big community challenge

Reports of a traffic drop and complaints about policies are taking the shine off Google+, the search engine’s new social network.

On Jul 29, 2011 by Kevin Morris

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YouTube view counts are driving people buggy

Your cute-puppy video may be more popular than you thought.

On Jul 27, 2011 by Fruzsina Eördögh

The Daily Dot