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Why the 1 percent needs to suck it up and hand out candy to the 99 percent

People too cheap to hand out candy to little kids really do exist. 

On by S.E. Smith

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The state of podcasting 2013

Roman Mars,  Chris Mancini, Matt Belknap, and Jessie Thorn sound off on the opportunities and challenges facing the medium’s development. 

On by Patrick Caldwell

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The greatest blessing: R&B legend gets a second chance

With help from Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, singer Lester Chambers has launched a Kickstarter campaign to reclaim his legacy. 

On by Chase Hoffberger

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Is it time for MoveOn to move on?

MoveOn helped shape the course of political discussions online, but its influence appears to have waned in recent years. 

On by Curt Hopkins

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Miley Cyrus creates Occupy anthem

You apparently don’t have to be one of the 99 percent to create an anthem for their movement.

On by Justin Franz

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Occupy the Internet! Artists launch GIF-powered protest

The Internet proves a warmer, safer environment for the Occupy movement to defend the 99%.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Journalists share their own stories

A new Tumblr gives a platform to journalists to tell their stories.

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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Redditors rage about Wikileaks founder’s extradition

A court is sending Julian Assange to Sweden to face trial on rape charges, prompting furious debate on the social news site.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Reblog: This week on Tumblr, we pray for Barack Obama

Can the president learn how to be cool on Tumblr? Maybe he needs lessons from Unka Glen and our other latest Tumblr heroes.

On by Jordan Valinsky

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99 Percent creator is passionate about the cause

The Daily Dot speaks to the creator of the 99 Percent blog. He discusses the need for it as well as his critics.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Chinese-Americans put a new face on the 99 Percent movement

Handwritten signs from the Tumblr blog We Are The 99 Percent show an increasingly diverse movement of individuals who’ve felt the effects of a rough U.S. economy.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Help the poor millionaires

Everyone talks about how the world caters to the rich. But online, there are not so many choices for Americans of wealth.

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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Kanye West occupies Wall Street

Kanye West shows up at Occupy Wall Street. It’s not clear what he has in common with the other 99 percent.

On by Jordan Valinsky

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Anonymous occupies Occupy DC

The online collective inspires even non-hackers to join protests for jobs and health care in the nation’s capital.

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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Hard times for the other 99 percent

People are turning to a new Tumblr to share their stories about hard times, including unemployment, homelessness and job loss. And they also support each other. 

On by Fernando Alfonso III

The Daily Dot