
This Week in Walmart: Egg rolls, panties, and alcoholism

S*** went down at U.S. Walmarts this week.

Photo of Jack Alban

Jack Alban

Walmart building with sign with logo containing TikTok logo replacing 't' with red to blue overlay

A day doesn’t go by where there isn’t some bizarre story emerging from one of the world’s largest retailers, Walmart, that gets posted to TikTok and shared among the denizens of doom scrollers taking miniature vicarious vacations courtesy of their screens.

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And this past week has seen its fair share of WTF moments that were shared to the popular social media platform.

Drunk parents are happy parents, kids.

A mom posted on TikTok about the disturbing book her daughter found while perusing the children’s book section at a Walmart store. While it’s always nice to see kids participating in bolstering their literacy and reaching for a book other than a smartphone, tablet, or gaming console, Ashli (@ashliann0214) expressed how shocked she was to see that Walmart was selling a title called Daddy Likes Beer.


While the book is described online as being “lighthearted and family friendly,” Ashli, whose own father had his struggles with substance abuse, didn’t think so. She went on to say that she thinks the book should’ve been promoted to the “humor” section and not in the same spot kids could purchase a copy of Where the Wild Things Are. She turned the comments on her video off, but it’s still uploaded to her account.

Legit egg rolls.

Jokes about people who eat in the dining areas of supermarkets being murderers aside, there are a number of folks who’ve professed their love for the prepared foods at grocery stores and supermarkets like Walmart, touting that its offerings are either on-par or better than the fare found at popular fast food chains, and all for a lower price.

While the brand’s chicken tenders have received a lot of love on social media, one user on the platform, Morgan Chomps, has sworn food fealty to Walmart’s chicken egg rolls, expressing how shockingly good they were. And at $1.47 each, if you’re in the mood for an egg roll or two while you’re getting spied on by advanced self-checkout security technology, they won’t break the bank.


Fine print unlimited water hack.

Another Walmart shopper caused a bit of a stir online after pointing out that a piece of fine print on Great Value water bottles indicates that Walmart shoppers only need to purchase one pack of water in order to get free H20 from the retailer for life: All one would need to do is bring the empty bottles to a Walmart location and you’ll be gifted a brand new pack.

“Return the package for replacement or money back,” they point out that a label on the package of water says, while also adding Walmart doesn’t require its customers to provide a reason as to why they’re returning it.

While there were commenters who said that they would feel too embarrassed to consistently do this, and others said they would definitely give a try, another person who said that they worked for Walmart remarked that this “hack” wouldn’t be so easy to pull off, as stores usually check a returner’s ID upon any return/exchange request. If a person is found to be a frequent return diva, then the store in question may stop honoring returns entirely. So proceed with caution. Or, get yourself an-at-home water filter to purify your own water.


Underwear placement.

TikToker Sasha Piton (@thesashapiton) criticized an Idaho Walmart’s decision to situate women’s panties and bras right beside the men’s section of clothing, stating that it made her uncomfortable to browse undergarments right next to a bunch of dudes who were learning about the latest in anti-thigh chafing technology.

She added that while her, as a grown woman, can deal with shopping for these items in such a manner, girls aged between 8 through 18 years old may feel a bit self conscious if there were a bunch of men ambling the aisles just a few feet away as they scoped out panties they’d want to buy.

While there were some Walmart customers who said that the stores they frequent have layouts that differed from the one in Piton’s video, one user on the platform said that they were “stalked” by both a dad and his teenage son from the gardening section as she walked into the bra-and-panties aisle to pick out her undies.


2,000 miles for $60.

Walmart’s been killing it when it comes to the online ordering game, and in an effort to bring even more customers deliveries, the massive retailer has launched Spark, its own delivery service which allows drivers to pick up items for shoppers and get paid for doing so.

It seems that some of the payouts that drivers are coming across while scoping out the application for gigs, however, aren’t worth the time. Like this one posted by TikToker @thatgiglife who saw a Spark drop-off request that would net a driver $60. That sounds like a pretty decent payout, as one would assume it’d take about an hour or so to get to a Walmart, shop for the items, load them up into your car, drive them to its destination, and drop them off. Heck, you’d might even get a tip.

However, there must have been a glitch with the applicant because the Spark order asked that the items be purchased at a Texas Walmart location and then driven to a spot in California. So nearly 2,000 miles for a grand total of $60—not to mention the drive back.


TikTok defends Walmart manager.

A Walmart customer uploaded herself going off on a store manager after accusing a cashier of stealing her money via the form of a refund. The shopper contests that the money wasn’t properly loaded on the card, and pointed to discrepancies in nomenclature of the money reloading process that the manager explained to her throughout the course of their conversation.

In the clip, the manager also, step-by-step, explains the process she used to refund the customer her money, explaining that she has no control over whether or not the money gets reloaded onto the customer’s card and that she wasn’t attempting to deprive them of their funds. She tells the shopper that if there was an error, it was one that occurred on the system’s end and not hers.

Throngs of TikTokers seemingly sided with the Walmart employee in question, with many stating that the woman behind the camera who was recording the employee was out of pocket for the way that she acted.


3 hours of work = steak and shrimp.

There are some people who want to drink champagne, but all they’ve got is beer money. And a Walmart employee highlighted a similar situation that sparked a conversation on worker pay for the retail chain after they uploaded a video of themselves eating steak and shrimp from their vehicle while on lunch break.

A TikToker named Ray (@.ray_mtz03) said that they thought treating themselves to the meal was a good idea, but as they sat down to enjoy while in their vehicle, they couldn’t help but realize they just spent the last three hours of their work day on the food they were consuming.

Some users talked about knowing the same feeling of “regret” that they have when they spend money on things that aren’t budget friendly, while others argued its good for people to treat themselves once in a while, which Ray appeared to agree with as well.

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