Dating expert reveals how to cold approach

@thejaunt/TikTok Roman Samborskyi/ShutterStock (Licensed)

‘Always more rewarding than online apps’: Man reveals how to cold approach women

‘Cold approach has served humanity for eons.’


Jack Alban


In a TikTok video with over 1.2 million views, a man revealed how he handles “cold-approaching” women he’s interested in, as he shared his insights on the advantages of traditional dating methods over online apps.

“Getting back into #coldapproach,” user Jaunt (@thejaunt) wrote in the caption. He begins his video with a straightforward proposition.

“Ask the random girl for her number today,” he advises. “Cold approach is always more rewarding than online apps… It’s just talking to random girls in public… It’s scary as sh*t as a guy… but that’s also why it’s so rewarding.”

The TikTok community has responded positively to Jaunt’s advocacy for the cold approach.

One user commented, “Cold approach is attractive AF and screams confidence.”

Another shared, “I love when men cold approach – I respect it a lot and personally do it too because it helps you become comfortable with rejection.”

These sentiments reflect a growing appreciation for face-to-face interactions in a dating scene largely overrun with apps. In his video, Jaunt acknowledges the imperfections of dating apps.

“I don’t actually think dating apps suck,” he says. “I just think they’re grind and they’re imperfect.” This perspective resonates with many who have experienced the frustrations of digital dating platforms.

Jaunt’s preference for the cold approach is rooted in its long-standing effectiveness. As he puts it, “95% of these other guys don’t have the balls to do that… When you do ask a girl, even the ones where you talk to a girl and she’s like, ‘No, sorry, I have a boyfriend,’ or, ‘No, I gotta go, I’m on the phone.’ Whatever it is, you walk away feeling pretty good.”

@thejaunt Getting back into #coldapproach #coldapproachpickup ♬ original sound – TheJaunt

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered social interactions, making Jaunt’s advocacy for in-person communication even more relevant. His approach offers a hopeful alternative for those seeking more authentic connections in a world that has increasingly moved online.  It is reported that half the people on Tinder, the most used dating app in the world, have absolutely no interest in meeting people IRL. Many users are allegedly married or in relationships and using it as a source of entertainment or to fill a relationship void.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Jaunt via TikTok comment for further information.  

The Daily Dot