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This deal on VitaminVapes is actually good for your health

A better buzz for a better price.


Colette Bennett

Dot Recs

A Black Friday deal that makes you healthier: two things you never thought you’d hear in the same sentence until this VitaminVape: 3-Pack deal came along.

Health enthusiasts can now share in the cloud craze by vaping their vitamin B12. Sure, you could take a pill or go get vitamin B12 shots, but shots suck (and they’re expensive) and pills aren’t that effective. Actually, breathing in B12 can be hundreds of times more effectively absorbed than pills, says science.

Each vaporizer contains 14 times the amount of B12 you’d find in a shot, so just 10-20 puffs a day is more than enough. Need an energy boost for your workout? Take a few puffs. Want a healthy buzz before that big presentation? Take a few puffs. It’s all-natural energy—with no caffeine, sugar, calories, or nicotine—that you get just by breathing. What a dream.

Get this VitaminVape: 3-Pack for $32.99 from the Daily Dot Store, reduced from the usual $45. Plus, get an extra 20% off using this Black Friday code: BFRIDAY20.


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