joshua mckerrow wendi was no ones enemy


Colleague of slain journalist responds to Trump’s ‘enemy of the people’ tweets

Joshua McKerrow lost his friend in the Capital Gazette shooting.


David Covucci


President Donald Trump launched into one of his seemingly unprompted attacks on the media late Thursday, calling, as he usually does, “FAKE NEWS” the “ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.”

People have been warning that Trump’s rhetoric against the media is a dangerous call to action. And in response to Trump’s tweet last night, a journalist who lost his a colleague in one of the worst newsroom massacres in American history, the Capital Gazette shooting in Annapolis, Maryland, spoke out against Trump’s tweets.

Joshua McKerrow tweeted about his annual trip to cover the holiday decorations at the Maryland governor’s mansion, which he always made with his co-worker, Wendi Winters.

Winters was one of five journalists lost in the shooting, and McKerrow spoke of being overcome with emotion at the typically joyous event.

“I really thought I could hold it together. I moved through the rooms with my tripod, focusing on the trees and ornaments. All I could think about was Wendi. I feel like she was with me, that she was actually present,” he tweeted, before later adding: “Wendi was no ones enemy.”

The gunman in the Capital Gazette shooting was upset about the paper’s coverage of his criminal harassment case and carried a vendetta against the paper for its reporting.

In the wake of the shooting, the president initially refused to lower the American flag at the White House to half-mast before relenting to honor the slain journalists.

The Daily Dot