

Disney+ gift subscriptions are the perfect present for fanatics

Give a gift the whole family will love.


Steph Weaver


With more than 129.8 million subscribers worldwide, Disney+ is one of the most popular streaming service providers out there. Whether viewers want to watch shows from Pixar, National Geographic, or Marvel Studios, they can find all their favorites and more on one user-friendly platform.

If you want to give the ultimate gift to the Disney fanatic in your life, you’re in luck. Disney+ now offers one-year gift subscriptions. Want to dig deeper? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is Disney+?

Disney Plus logo
Disney+ Disney Plus

Disney+ is a streaming service that allows you to watch movies and shows from your TV, computer, smartphone, tablet, or gaming console. The service offers content from Star Wars, 20th Century Fox, and more.

What is a Disney+ gift subscription?

This is a fantastic gift for your friends or family. When you purchase a Disney+ gift subscription for $79.99, the recipient will enjoy the streaming service for one full year. This is the same rate as buying the annual service for yourself. After that, they’ll have the option to add their own payment details to continue watching. Please note: if the recipient is already a Disney+ subscriber, they will not be able to redeem your gift.

How will they receive their gift?

When you buy a one-year Disney+ gift subscription, you will provide the recipient’s email address and choose a delivery date, such as their birthday. You’ll even be able to send a special message along with your gift. On your chosen date, Disney will send the gift straight to their inbox, along with instructions on how to redeem their subscription.

How do I buy a Disney+ gift subscription?

  • Visit the Disney+ gift subscription page
  • Click the “gift a year” button
  • Type in your full name and email address
  • Enter the recipient’s name and email, the date you want their gift delivered, and a personal message (optional)
  • Enter your payment info and verify your purchase

On the chosen delivery date, the recipient will get an email from Disney and head to DisneyPlus.com/redeememail, choose their offer, and enter the code provided in the email message. The code is for one-time use and is non-transferable.

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