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The internet just collectively realized that the Neopets of the world must be hungry

When’s the last time you fed your Neopets?


Rachel Kiley

Internet Culture

Believe it or not, life before social media existed. And, people have naturally taken to social media to reminisce about it.

“For those of you that have been using the internet since at least AIM, where did you spend your time online before the rise of social media (pre 2008)?” Twitter user @cvrlne asked on Friday. 

As it turns out, people were all too happy to reminisce. Much of that reminiscing involved Neopets.

Remember Neopets? That website where you collected virtual pets and had to constantly remember to log in to feed them and play with them or else you would feel bizarrely guilty.

Yeah, you’re starting to remember, aren’t you?

Don’t worry, pretty much all of us are in the same boat. It’s a good thing those little buddies never actually die, even virtually, or we’d all feel way worse than we already do.

Putting the guilt aside, a reminder of life pre-social media is bringing Twitter together in a Neopets-themed trip down memory lane.

Of course, some people are just really holding onto the guilt of letting their Neopets down throughout all these years.

They were our virtual BFFs and did nothing to deserve such neglect!

While some of us are experiencing the dawning horror of realizing we’ve left our buddies virtually hungry for years and years, for others, this has turned into a great opportunity to brag about actually remembering to keep up with the game.

Neopets is supposedly getting a mobile app this summer, though nothing has been announced since January. So, seeing Neopets trending sent a lot of nostalgic fans into a hopeful tizzy for a moment.

It was, of course, short-lived. Much like our Neopets themselves.

Yet, the Neopets website is still active, the Neopets Twitter account is still active, and there’s still hope that that mobile app will eventually come out. A new addition to the Neopets gameplay experience after all these years would certainly be welcomed.


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