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Keanu Reeves’ name sends Twitter into a rhyming frenzy

Keanu Reeves checking out this article: Keanu Reads.


Rachel Kiley

Internet Culture

Keanu Reeves is an American hero.

He’s played so many iconic roles it’s nearly impossible to keep track. He’s basically the nicest guy alive. Perhaps most importantly, his existence has continually provided some of the best memes and jokes on the internet.

Like, remember that time he was really, really sad?

Or more recently, when he just… walked in slow motion?

We can’t forget about the Bill and Ted Keanu, whose mind has been totally blown.

It’s like every single time Reeves does anything, anything at all, the internet is gifted with a new treasure. 

Now, a new Keanu Reeves-centric trend has begun circling Twitter: rhyming his name with stuff.

This may not sound funny, but just hear me out–it is.

Many of us have horrible surnames that probably couldn’t keep this kind of joke running for very long. Yet, Reeves has again come through for us, with an exceptionally rhymable last name. It seems like the possibilities are endless.

The best thing about these new Keanu Reeves jokes is that the same words can be used over and over again in new ways. For example, “Keanu Leaves” alone brings up endless possibilities: Is he a gardener? Fleeing a party? Casually removing himself from the scene of a crime?

A perhaps an even more pressing question is brought up by this new trend.

“How did we call this meme ‘Sad Keanu,’ and not ‘Keanu Grieves!?’”

Surely, Keanu agrees.


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