John Cornyn and the brisket he prepared

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0) @JohnCornyn/Twitter

Texas senator gets smoked for tweeting terrible-looking brisket photo

John Cornyn got roasted.


Josh Katzowitz

Internet Culture

‘Twas the night before Christmas/when all through his house/Texas Sen. John Cornyn was cooking a brisket in the oven/that was a straight-up disgrace to the cows.

At least that’s how Twitter responded when the Republican politician posted his meat monstrosity to social media on Thursday evening. At the time of this writing, Cornyn’s Twitter ratio was awe-inspiring, with more than 6,000 comments against 1,400 likes.

Cornyn probably had good intentions when he logged onto Twitter and wrote simply, “Brisket family tradition,” and attached a photo of some kind of meat in a casserole dish that sorta, kinda looked like brisket that maybe had ketchup glazed on top. But since Cornyn is from Texas and since Texans pride themselves on having the best BBQ on the globe, it didn’t take long before Cornyn found himself under fire.

Here’s an example of how people responded. Spoiler: It got juicy in his mentions.

(FYI, Rudy’s is a Texas chain that serves solid but unremarkable BBQ.)

Not everybody was offended by the meat, though. Some just hated Cornyn for his appliance privilege.

“There’s a few million people that don’t have anything to eat for the holidays,” wrote one Twitter user. “But hey glad you’re good over there. Please post more pics of your appliances that cost more than most make in a year.”

Others immediately pointed to the Senate Republicans’ reluctance to pass a second coronavirus stimulus bill that would send $2,000 to each eligible American rather than the $600 Congress approved.

Russell Foster, a Democratic Congressional candidate from Texas, wrote, “While John Cornyn sits down and enjoys that expensive monstrosity he thinks is a brisket, millions of Americans are sitting down to dinners like this tonight thanks to John & the GOPs incompetence to protect their citizens. We need that $2000 right now! Get up and help!”

Here’s how former House of Representatives candidate Christopher Eagle, an independent from Florida, responded: “I love it when people are starving & about to be evicted these fucking Republicans post their family feast.”

Aside from all of that, people seemed to really eat up Cornyn’s attempt to be braggadocious about his brisket.

But a quick word to the wise for Cornyn: If you don’t want to get absolutely roasted the night before Christmas, it’s best not to feed red meat to all of your critics.

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