WikiLeaks' long-broken website spurs freakout that Biden got Assange to remove DNC emails in plea

WikiLeaks’ long-broken website spurs freakout that Biden got Assange to remove DNC emails in plea deal

Assange’s plea deal does not mention the deletion of already published files.

On by Mikael Thalen

Reddit the Donald : Seth Rich murder conspiracy

Conspiracy theorists froth as Judge orders FBI to release Seth Rich laptops

It’s a moment they’ve waited 7 years for.

On by Marlon Ettinger

AI-generated photo of Julian Assange in prison

AI image of an ‘unwell’ Julian Assange sparks calls for his release

‘This is what the United States and the West did to Julian Assange for reporting the truth.’

On by Mikael Thalen

wikileaks logo under a microscope

WikiLeaks website is struggling to stay online—as millions of documents disappear

Of its alleged 10 million documents leaked, less than 3,000 remain accessible on WikiLeaks’ website.

On by Mikael Thalen

Homepage article image

WikiLeaks says hundreds of doctors demand Julian Assange’s release—including ‘Dr. Boner 69’

Names belonging to Marvel Comics characters and TV doctors can be found on the list.

On by Mikael Thalen

wikileaks on laptop

WikiLeaks finally launched a new submissions portal—it doesn’t work

Every contact method for reaching WikiLeaks securely has been broke or inoperable for months.

On by Mikael Thalen

wikileaks logo on data

Submitting docs to WikiLeaks is seemingly impossible amid uptick in hacktivism against Russia

None of the transparency group’s secure methods work.

On by Mikael Thalen

People demand to free Assange on Trafalgar square in London

Assange can be extradited to U.S., court rules

Assange can still appeal the ruling.

On by David Covucci

A defacement by an alleged Turkish hacker on the WikiLeaks webstore

Alleged Turkish hacker defaces WikiLeaks’ online store

A message accusing the anti-secrecy organization of being ‘greedy’ was left on numerous subdomains.

On by Mikael Thalen

A group of green aliens

Ron Watkins’ AlienLeaks said it would leak bombshell documents—instead publishes public files

After promising the ‘biggest information drops in history,’ AlienLeaks releases already public files.

On by Mikael Thalen

Green alien sitting using tablet computer on the bed in a hotel room

Ron Watkins, of QAnon and 8chan infamy, launches AlienLeaks

The former 8chan admin is seeking documents on ‘alien technology, biology, or communications.’

On by Mikael Thalen

A poster supporting Julian Assange. It says 'Free Assange' and 'No U.S. Extradition'

Judge denies U.S. request to extradite Julian Assange

The judge cited mental health concerns in her decision.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Julian Assange next to a tweet

Viral tweet sparks false rumor Trump is going to pardon Assange

Pro-Trump pastor Mark Burns alleged a pardon was in the works before recanting his statement.

On by Mikael Thalen

fake fbi agent on laptop

Twitter must identify user who sent fake Seth Rich documents to Fox News

The user pretended to be an FBI agent—and set off conspiracy theories.

On by David Covucci

julian assange

People think reports of Julian Assange ‘preparing to kill himself’ is a ‘predictive programming’ conspiracy

The WikiLeaks founder ‘complained of hearing imaginary voices and music.’

On by Kahron Spearman

The Daily Dot