man speaking outside (l) medical pills on top of each other yellow white blue (c) man hand on collar bone looking left shocked expression speaking (r)

‘It’s not their kid to give a prescription to’: Father says son’s high school prescribed him anti-depressants without notifying him, sparking debate

'This will help a lot of kids whose families don’t believe in kids being depressed.'

On Jul 3, 2022 by Gisselle Hernandez

Homepage article image

‘F*ck your dress codes’: Parent says school gave out extra-large shirts to girls who were dress coded—then dress coded them again

'Not them sexualizing minors when shorts aren’t visible due to their own oversized T-shirt punishment.'

On Jun 4, 2022 by Cecilia Lenzen

Woman organizing in classroom caption 'Last Wednesday 8:15am I had my end of year meeting where it was clear that my needs were going to continue being ignored' (l) Woman driving holding school ID caption 'Monday May 16, 2022' 'I quit teaching' (c) Woman with student holding handmade paperclip necklace caption 'I went back Friday for a final goodbye It was hard.' (r)

‘We just can’t do it anymore’: Teacher quits her job in viral video, sparking debate

'There are soooo many wonderful teachers leaving.'

On May 28, 2022 by Jack Alban

long-haired woman in glasses sitting at a table (l) teacher teaching children (c) woman holding up a bag of chips (r)

‘Just another day of me hating the job that I thought I would love’: Teacher says her boss gave her a bag of Miss Vickie’s chips for Teacher Appreciation Week

'If an occupation has an 'appreciation' week, it's because it's underpaid!'

On May 11, 2022 by Cecilia Lenzen

hand pulling armor plate out of backpack with caption 'thought my backpack came iwth a piece of foam to protect my laptop'

A TikToker thought her backpack came with foam to protect her laptop. Turns out, her father put a piece of Kevlar in it (updated)

'So sad they even have to think of that in the US.'

On Apr 15, 2022 by Braden Bjella

man from feet down sneakers caption 'Principal: you can't operate a business on school grounds' (l) Student hand holding paper caption 'Got suspended from school for having a business...' (c) Show with custom laces caption ' Me: Say hello to TikTok I'll be selling more laces while suspended'(r)

‘Other people make TikToks at school all the time’: Student suspended for ‘promoting his business’ at school, sparking debate

'Isn't school supposed to set you up for success? This is success.'

On Mar 29, 2022 by Braden Bjella

a father smiling (l) a father making a funny surprised expression (r)

‘U know u can get locked up right?’: Dad jokes that daughter missed 217 days of school, sparking debate in viral TikTok

'How is she not expelled?'

On Mar 21, 2022 by Rebekah Harding