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The South Carolina police officer who killed Walter Scott will face murder charges

Would this have happened without the video?

On by Kevin Collier

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We need to pay the man who recorded Walter Scott’s brutal killing

He should be rewarded for an important public service.

On by Gillian Branstetter

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Police brutality is modern lynching—and you may be a part of it

The Internet can’t stop sharing videos of black men getting shot.

On by Feliks Garcia

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Publicists now charging media $10,000 minimum for Walter Scott video

A publicist is licensing footage of police shooting of Walter Scott to media for $10,000 fee.

On by JC Sevcik

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The sad message Michael Slager’s laugh sends to black people

It’s hard enough to feel safe as a black person already.

On by Derrick Clifton

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How a killer cop forced GoFundMe to admit money isn’t free speech

This is a pretty incredible point for the site to make.

On by Gillian Branstetter

Sean Hannity sexual harassment allegations

Even Sean Hannity couldn’t defend the cop who killed Walter Scott

Is this ‘Hannity’ or a new Fox show called ‘The Twilight Zone’?

On by Dell Cameron

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Dashcam video shows the traffic stop that led to Walter Scott’s death

Minutes after this encounter, Scott was dead from multiple gunshot wounds.

On by Dell Cameron

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The troubling rise of crowdsourced data on police killings

This is not a good way to do this.

On by Dell Cameron

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GoFundMe: No campaigns for the cop who killed Walter Scott

Should campaigns like these be allowed?

On by Eric Geller

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Police force adopts body-camera policy following Walter Scott shooting

Meanwhile, officials have yet to address whether race was a factor in the shooting.

On by Dell Cameron

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Police killing of Walter Scott sparks protests in South Carolina

“The world is watching.”

On by Eric Geller

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South Carolina cop charged with suspect’s murder after video surfaces

Warning: This is an extremely graphic video.

On by Kevin Collier

The Daily Dot