Claudia Sheinbaum in front of mexican flags

‘Never seen a less Jewish Jew’: Mexico’s new president thanked her husband—and it got wildly misinterpreted

She thanked Jesús, not Jesus.

On by Katherine Huggins

Viewers think a pregnant stingray may birth the next coming of Jesus

‘I’m so invested’: Viewers think a pregnant stingray may birth the next coming of Jesus. Here’s why

‘Can we get a live feed like we did with the damn giraffe?!’

On by Natasha Dubash

Donald Trump with microphone in front of crowd

‘A new low’: Trump shares courtroom sketch of himself on trial next to Jesus

‘He is this generation’s Daniel in the lion’s den.’

On by Mikael Thalen

tornado damage to Pfizer facility in Rocky Mount NC

‘Feels like Genesis 19’: Anti-vaxxers praise God for tornado that wrecked Pfizer manufacturing plant

‘Nice. Thank you Jesus.’

On by Mikael Thalen

server speaking (l) group in coffee shop holding coffees up at table (c) server speaking (r)

‘Jesus would be nice’: Server blasts ‘rude’ church group that complains about coffees, waters, and for ‘always needing something’

‘They’re usually pretty rude which is ironic since they’re just coming from church.’

On by Phil West

woman sitting at bar with drink with man sitting next to her

Redditor shares brilliant strategy of pretending not to know who Jesus is when dealing with a homophobe

The co-worker apparently told her in a bar that he didn’t want her to mention she was gay at work.

On by Siobhan Ball

Marjorie Taylor Greene speaking in vehicle holding microphone

‘Standard journalism practice: kissing goodbye’: Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Trump to Jesus in interview with her boyfriend

‘President Trump is joining some of the most incredible people in history being arrested today.’

On by Mikael Thalen

woman greenscreen tiktok over tweet of Marjorie Taylor Greene reading on her wall behind her is Trump crucifixion circled with red (l)close up of Trump crucifixion behind Marjorie Taylor Greene(c) woman greenscreen tiktok over tweet of Marjorie Taylor Greene reading with Trump crucifixion behind her (r)

The internet fell for a Slimer-looking version of Trump photoshopped onto a cross in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s office

That it’s photoshopped doesn’t make it any less creepy.

On by Claire Goforth

A woman looking into an augmented reality room (L), a CGI room with foxes (C), and a CGI man with crowbar (R).

Horrendous AR crime app wants you to experience George Floyd’s ‘final moments’

The app is touted as a ‘one stop shop for fans of true crime to consume content.’

On by Mikael Thalen

Lin Wood next to a message about doxing his son

Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood doxes own son in the name of ‘Jesus’

‘I do not regret it. One cannot be motivated by the fear of failure.’

On by Mikael Thalen

botched statue restoration

This art restoration fail turned a sculpture of a delicate lady into a ‘potato head’

It’s also drawing comparisons to Donald Trump.

On by Siobhan Ball

A TikTok user telling followers to vote for Jesus

Christian influencer roasted for encouraging followers to ‘vote for Jesus’

‘Girl he’s not on the ballot.’

On by Mikael Thalen

police called on jesus statue

Someone called the police on a ‘homeless Jesus’ statue

The statue has sparked controversy, both online and in real life.

On by Onaje McDowelle

Christ the Redeemer statue with Matt Schlapp tweet 'Statues of Jesus are next. It won't end. Pray for the USA'

Conservatives fret that ‘statues of Jesus’ will be torn down next

There aren’t any Jesus statues the government could take down.

On by David Covucci

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

Texas lt. gov. blames racism on liberals for not ‘loving God’

‘You cannot love your fellow man if you don’t love God.’

On by Sierra Juarez

The Daily Dot