heather heyer jason kessler

Charlottesville organizer calls Heather Heyer’s death ‘payback,’ blames it on being high

Well, this is terrible.

On by David Covucci

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Crowdfunding has now officially become a cheap arcade game

That moment when an already well-established restaurant wants you to fund… their greater success. In return for a t-shirt. 

On by [email protected]

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The easy jump to villain: The Paul Deen edition

Paula Deen’s under fire again, this time for supposedly making racist slurs. But where is this “news” coming from?

On by [email protected]

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Today’s special: A side of public shame

Getting called out for not showing up for your reservation? Now that’s just childish. 

On by [email protected]

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The future of food apps: The worst VC pitch ever

Take notice now, VCs: This is your moment to get in on the ground floor of the worst food app ever. 

On by [email protected]

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The cauliflower effect

It’s official: cauiflower has kicked kale out of the limelight. Here’s why the Internet’s new darling is this lumpy white cabbage cousin. 

On by [email protected]

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ReviewerCard: The ethics of being a schmuck

Online reviewers have reached a new low: demanding special treatment by way of a shiny black card.

On by [email protected]

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Tasting menus and the à la carte Internet

Tasting menus aren’t the problem. It’s how we consume everything: the Internet has gotten us used to à la carte everything, and there’s no turning back.

On by [email protected]

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Baking up a batch of politics

Food writer Jason Kessler on the Easy Bake oven color kerfuffle and the Internet cause. 

On by [email protected]

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The great Fieri-Wells Internet flame war

Pete Wells, who are you really mocking? Food writer Jason Kessler guesses at the motives behind New York Times critic Pete Well’s nortorious—and now viral—review of Guy Fieri’s restaurant. 

On by [email protected]

The Daily Dot