Conspiracy theorists feel vindicated after FBI opens investigation into Baltimore bridge accident

FBI investigation into Baltimore bridge collapse revives claim of secret Chinese ‘remote towing’ technology

What is ‘remote towing?’

On by Mikael Thalen

mark paoletta

Clarence Thomas’ friend keeps getting dunked on for defending Justice’s ethically questionable luxury vacations

What are friends for?

On by Marlon Ettinger

Homepage article image

EXCLUSIVE: Police confirm ‘active’ case after report filed against Ali Alexander, who has been accused of soliciting nudes from teen boys

The alleged victim was 15 at the time.

On by Claire Goforth

hands on Tesla steering wheel

Tesla under federal investigation after driver tweets photo of steering wheel falling off

Over 120,000 of Tesla’s 2023 Model Y vehicles will be investigated for issues.

On by Mikael Thalen

worker speaking with caption 'today i accidentally charged someone $453000 instead of $4.53 and it went thru, he couldn't get a refund because the police is now investigating him...' (l) customer paying with card (c) worker speaking with caption 'today i accidentally charged someone $453000 instead of $4.53 and it went thru, he couldn't get a refund because the police is now investigating him...' (r)

‘He couldn’t get a refund’: Worker says she accidentally charged customer 453K instead of $4.53. It went through

‘Everyone saying it’s their worst fear as if they have that much money in their account.’

On by Lauren Castro logo on green ombre background (l) woman with facial recognition lines on face (r)

Congress launches investigation into, whose deal with IRS sparked backlash

The company received widespread backlash for its ties with the IRS.

On by Mikael Thalen

Abraham Lincoln's portrait closeup

Lincoln Project clears itself of wrongdoing in investigation it paid for

Lawyers at the firm that found no evidence leaders knew of ‘actionable sexual harassment’ donated to the super PAC.

On by Claire Goforth

man murders wife casts ballot for trump

‘I just thought, give him another vote:’ Man accused of killing his wife and casting her mail-in ballot for Trump

‘I didn’t know you couldn’t do that for your spouse.’

On by Phil West

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Conspiracy theorist accidentally emails Justice Department, launches inquiry into himself

They forgot to double check before hitting ‘send.’

On by Claire Goforth


Barstool Sports founder under investigation for anti-union tweets

He repeatedly threatened to fire his employees if they unionized.

On by Sierra Juarez

Homepage article image

Viral crowdfunding campaign for border wall under criminal investigation

It’s the latest in a series of legal woes and controversy.

On by Claire Goforth

verizon wireless mobile carrier

Justice Department opens investigation into mobile carriers over alleged collusion

The inquiry revolves around one of the iPhone X’s best features.

On by Phillip Tracy

autopilot accident

Driver in first Tesla fatality kept his hands off the wheel despite warnings

The driver had his hands on the wheel for 25 seconds in a 37-minute period.

On by Phillip Tracy

uber investigation

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick takes leave of absence

Uber released the results of Holder’s investigation on June 13.

On by Phillip Tracy


Uber fires top executive for sharing medical records, investigating rape victim

This comes a day after Uber fired 20 employees amid sexual harassment investigations.

On by Phillip Tracy

The Daily Dot