Alex Soros and Huma Abedin

Hillary Clinton’s top aide marrying George Soros’ son sends conspiracy world into a tizzy

‘Enjoy it while it lasts your both traitors to this country and we all know what the penalty is for being a traitor…’

On by Mikael Thalen

Conservatives lose their minds after Soros' son reveals he's dating ex-Hillary Clinton aide

‘Work of the devil’: Conservatives lose their minds after Soros’ son reveals he’s dating ex-Hillary Clinton aide

‘In case you didn’t think the devil exists, this seems like good evidence he does.’

On by Tricia Crimmins

George Soros(l), Warning image over phone(c), Donald Trump(r)

Soros Foundation denies chairman secretly telegraphed Trump assassination plot

‘It’s amazing the lengths to which some people will go to try to distract and divide the country.’

On by Mikael Thalen

George Soros' son posted about crime and inflation—Trump fans saw a cryptic assassination threat

George Soros’ son posted about crime and inflation—Trump fans saw a cryptic assassination threat

‘Why isn’t this clown in jail?’

On by Mikael Thalen

Homepage article image

Trump supporters keep trying to tie Ron DeSantis to George Soros

‘Fact checkers can’t stop what’s already been unleashed.’

On by Mikael Thalen

George Soros

George Soros announces he isn’t dead

But his hedge fund may buy VICE.

On by Mikael Thalen

A man holds a 'Q' protest sign outside

Jim Watkins told Congress he thought George Soros paid the media to promote QAnon

‘He is funding QAnon,’ the 8kun founder claimed.

On by Mikael Thalen

George Soros

Why the far-right thinks Biden gave George Soros $200 million to keep immigrants from getting deported

George Soros is entangled in another immigration conspiracy.

On by Mike Rothschild

George Soros

Infamous conspiracy site returns to push hoax that George Soros was arrested for election fraud

A fabricated story about George Soros being arrested went viral among Trump supporters.

On by Mikael Thalen

fox news newt gingrich george soros

Even Fox won’t let Newt Gingrich babble about George Soros

Fox News cuts off conspiratorial talking points.

On by David Covucci

sheryl sandberg facebook definers

Here’s how Facebook tried to tie George Soros to an anti-Facebook group

A document from Republican research group Definers Public Affairs shows…nothing much.

On by Ellen Ioanes

Sheryl Sandberg pr definers soros

Facebook admits it hired Republican PR firm to go after George Soros

Sandberg, who denied knowing the hiring, admitted that some of the company’s work “crossed her desk.”

On by Ellen Ioanes

President Donald Trump leaned into a conspiracy that George Soros is funding the migrant caravan currently traveling through Mexico toward the US. 

Trump says he ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ if George Soros was funding the caravan

There is no evidence Soros is involved.

On by Andrew Wyrich

kevin mccarthy

Here are all the attacks GOP leaders have made on George Soros

Anti-Semitic attacks were up 57 percent last year.

On by Ellen Ioanes

Robert De Niro

Bomb mailed to Robert De Niro’s restaurant

The Hollywood actor is the sixth Trump opponent to receive such a package this week.

On by Nahila Bonfiglio

The Daily Dot