Founded in August 2008 in San Francisco, California, Airbnb was formed to give folks traveling in for the Industrial Design Conference held by the Industrial Designers Society of America a place to stay outside of the typical hotels booking experience. It allowed for anyone with a spare room or property to make some extra bucks offering temporary lodging solutions for tourists.

Now, the application serves 150 million users with over 6 million active listings worldwide, connecting guests with hosts all over the globe. Hosts usually fork over anywhere from 3%-15% of their booking subtotal to Airbnb, which includes the nightly rate, whatever cleaning fee the host associated with their property, and any other extra guest costs.

Although the application started off as what seemed like a low-cost alternative to hotels for guests looking for cute or charming living situations on their travels, a number of social media users have expressed that the application has become far too expensive, citing unrealistic host expectations of customers and excessive fees have made them cost just as much, if not more, than a traditional hotel.

man greenscreen TikTok in front of Airbnb payout caption 'When you remove the cleaning fee, raise your nightly rate, and now you're 100% occupied at your 30 Airbnb homes' (l) Airbnb keys in lock (c) man greenscreen TikTok in front of Airbnb payout caption 'When you remove the cleaning fee, raise your nightly rate, and now you're 100% occupied at your 30 Airbnb homes' (r)

‘It’s all a mental game’: Airbnb host says he’s fully booked after taking away cleaning fee but raising nightly rate

'Removed the cleaning fee and the bookings shot through the roof.'

On Jan 4, 2023 by Brooke Sjoberg

man holding edge of carpet on floor caption 'our airbnb for the week' (l) hand holding paper cube with Airbnb logo on it (c) carpet lifted to reveal secret room caption 'our airbnb for the week' (r)

‘Just leave it’s not worth it’: Guests discover creepy secret basement in Airbnb

'Barbarian type beat.'

On Dec 16, 2022 by Siobhan Ball

woman greenscreen TikTok over Airbnb listing caption 'AIRBNB FIX THIS!!! I literally didn't even ask for a full refund I just asked that they take the listing down so nobody else got hurt or stolen from...' 'he came through the door of the home twice intoxicated' (l) hand holding Airbnb logo keychain with key in front of light wood background (c) woman greenscreen TikTok over Airbnb listing caption 'AIRBNB FIX THIS!!! I literally didn't even ask for a full refund I just asked that they take the listing down so nobody else got hurt or stolen from...' 'And he sat in there and watched us and listened to us' (r)

‘It was extremely unsafe’: Airbnb guest canceled stay early after host allegedly stayed at location, watched them

'I was trying to privately handle it with Airbnb, but they do not give a f*ck about people's safety.'

On Dec 14, 2022 by Jack Alban

Airbnb support chat 'My host hasn't given me instructions for the key box to enter the location. They aren't replying to my messages and their phone is off. I think the wrong address has been posted because we knocked on blank and someone opened the door saying it is not the right location. Got it. Let's get you connected to a member of our team. How would you like to connect with us?' (l) Airbnb on phone in hand (c) Airbnb support chat 'We appreciate your patience. Upon further investigation on this case your Host submitted complete documentation of your communication that you were provided with the code to the listing, that you confirmed checked in and checked out. Apart from that there was also a screenshot that the Host sent that you admitted you stayed but lied to us here in Airbnb...' (r)

‘You’re guaranteed to lose your money if you book with them’: Woman says sketchy Airbnb scammed her and multiple others after giving her the wrong address

'We really have to start choosing hotels over Airbnbs.'

On Dec 10, 2022 by Audra Schroeder

woman speaking pointing right caption 'An Airbnb host won't stop using our address for their rental.' (l) Airbnb on phone screen in hand (c) woman speaking pointing right caption 'An Airbnb host won't stop using our address for their rental.' 'And they have 'upped us to this special team' before and nothing has changed' (r)

‘People will show up here at the most random hours… trying to enter their Airbnb that does not exist’: TikToker says Airbnb host uses their address for scam listing

'It sounds so scary to have random people trying to enter your house all the time.'

On Nov 23, 2022 by Jacob Seitz

Vozdvyzhenska street, Kyiv city, Ukraine with Airbnb logo white centered

As donations dry up and winter looms, Airbnb owners in Ukraine struggle to stay afloat

Bookings are still scant.

On Nov 21, 2022 by Anna Conkling

Man speaking (l) Airbnb on phone screen next to house key on yellow background (c) man speaking outside (r)

‘Airbnbs have the audacity to charge the same as hotel prices’: Man shares why hotels are superior to Airbnb rentals in viral video

'I'm not paying a $100 cleaning fee.'

On Oct 28, 2022 by Melody Heald

woman finger pointing to trash bag (l) Airbnb logo on red background (c) woman finger pointing to dirty towel (r)

‘Airbnb pulling tricks instead of treats:’ Customer blasts dirty Airbnb rental

'This is a joke, right? ... Dude said that they had to clean so I couldn't check in early.'

On Oct 28, 2022 by Allyson Waller

airbnb keys

In Airbnb Facebook groups, panic over decline in bookings

'Have your noticed your bookings are down?'

On Oct 19, 2022 by David Covucci

Homepage article image

‘I honestly feel like they aren’t worth it anymore’: Woman says Airbnb told her to immediately check out from a property without telling the host

'You know where this never happens to me? Hilton. Holiday Inn. Hell, even Motel 6 has never run me out.'

On Oct 8, 2022 by Melody Heald

woman speaking (l) hand holding phone with airbnb on screen over blurred computer desk background (c) woman speaking (r)

‘Try not to get scammed, because it’s not fun’: Airbnb guest says host tried to blame $2,500 of damage on them

'This app has made me never want to stay in those places.'

On Oct 7, 2022 by Brooke Sjoberg

Hidden camera disguised as wall adapter (l) shower in Airbnb (c) man holding hidden camera wall adapter to reveal SD card (r)

‘There’s really no way to pin down how it got there’: Guest claims to find hidden camera in his vacation rental

'I had one in my apartment! Let’s just say I didn’t trust people.'

On Oct 5, 2022 by Natasha Dubash

man holding open door into apartment, woman pointing to camera speaking outside of door (l) man holding Nike bag with hand on it caption 'before I got scammed' (c) Woman on speaker phone call through open apartment door speaking to woman and cameraman (r)

‘How are you Airbnbing something you’re renting?’: Man says Airbnb host listed their rented apartment, scammed him out of $1000

'You guys have been doing this for a long time already. You’re getting locked out as of Monday.'

On Sep 25, 2022 by Braden Bjella

woman woth hand up to face caption 'The Airbnb host came in unannounced while we were in full production' (l) person on mat on floor caption 'We told them we were a yoga club...' (c) person on mat on floor with other people sitting in chairs cation 'He asked us to show our yoga mats...' (r)

‘Total invasion of privacy’: Airbnb host filmed entering ‘unannounced’ while adult creators are mid-production

The group told the Airbnb host they were a 'yoga club.'

On Aug 24, 2022 by Tricia Crimmins

woman speaking hand on chest (l) Airbnb app opening on iPhone in woman hand (c) woman speaking (r)

‘Airbnb is responsible for their hosts at the end of the day’: TikToker says Airbnb left her and her mother stranded on the streets in the South of France

'[Airbnb] told me essentially to p*ss off and that it's not their problem.'

On Jul 30, 2022 by Jack Alban