goose meme cat hashtag korea


Twitter users are photoshopping their cats into the ‘Captain Marvel’ poster

It never gets old.


Elizabeth VanMetre


Marvel fans have been waiting for Captain Marvel, the latest installment in the series, for months. But the breakout star has been Carol Danvers’ furry friend, Goose. Notice we didn’t say “cat,” but we’ll leave out any spoilers here.

Goose has become a surprise star, even managing to have his own movie poster and of course, walk the red carpet at the film’s premiere.

The excitement over Captain Marvel’s pet in the movie has apparently translated well. When the film debuted in South Korea, South Korean fans began photoshopping their cats into the poster, using the hashtag, “

The results: amazing.

Parodies of the hashtag, which appears to have started on March 8, have started to surface too.

The cat in the film is actually played by four different cats named Reggie, Archie, Rizzo, and Gonzo.

Turns out the film’s human star, Brie Larson, is totally allergic to cats. “I swell up. I can’t breathe. It’s bad. I’ve been allergy tested and the doctor was like, ‘oh, that’s the worst I’ve ever seen for cats. It’s pretty bad,’” Larson told ABC. So whenever you see Captain Marvel holding Goose, it’s most likely CGI or a puppet, according to Entertainment Weekly.




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