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Megyn Kelly, Sarah Silverman get into tiff after Trump tweet

You can have political opinions and star in children’s movies, too.


Ignacio Martinez

Layer 8

Conservative pundit Megyn Kelly and comedian Sarah Silverman exchanged fighting words in a Twitter feud on Wednesday. 

The conflict was kicked off by a perplexing tweet from President Donald Trump. Totally knowing how global climate change works, Trump made fun of the fact that one of Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-Minn.) policy points is fighting global warming and that Klobuchar announced she’s running for president in the middle of a snowstorm.

Silverman couldn’t stand for this line of thinking and unleashed her critique.

“No point in explaining how mind blowingly stupid this tweet is so I’m just gonna go with FUCK YOU,” Silverman wrote amid a barrage of insults.

Kelly then implied that Silverman is unfit to voice a character in a children’s movie because of her language. 

Kelly was fired from NBC last year after sharing her thoughts on blackface during her hour block of The Today Show. “Back when I was a kid that was okay, as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character,” Kelly said in her original comments. Kelly had switched to hosting The Today Show after leaving Fox News.

Leaning into this, Silverman acknowledged her own versatility.

“We all have many sides and I think that’s OK,” she wrote.

Silverman wrapped the bow on the argument by switching the focus back to the more pressing issues at hand.

“Ps I’m more offended by a president who denies a real threat 97 percent of scientists beg him to take action on while creating a fake threat out of at-risk brown people at the border,” Silverman tweeted.


H/T Deadline

The Daily Dot