Tuesday afternoon Twitter announced it would be doubling the character count from 140 to 280 for some select users. Twitter users had mixed feelings about this new update. Some were thrilled with the idea of not having to crack down on words to meet the 140-character limit, while other users thought 280 characters was way too much.
literally my only talent was being able to think of tweets exactly 140 characters long. i don't know if I will be able to alter this to 280.
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) September 26, 2017
When you check your Twitter and still only have 140. #280characters pic.twitter.com/6D1heu90tM
— Looney Tunes (@LooneyTunes) September 26, 2017
Should all seasons now be 280 episodes? Respond with a well-thought-out paragraph if you agree
— Netflix (@netflix) September 26, 2017
280 characters? what is this, game of thrones?
— gabe bergado (@gabebergado) September 26, 2017
Much like #GameOfThrones, Twitter doesn't need 280 characters
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) September 26, 2017
I have been chosen as one of the select few to have 280 characters per tweet. While I understand that this might be difficult for some of y
— Chaps (@UncleChaps) September 26, 2017
Rick Carl Judith Lori Shane Carol Daryl Morales Glenn Andrea Merle T-Dog Dale Sophia Maggie Beth Hershel Michonne Sasha Tyreese Bob Lizzie Mika Eugene Rosita Gabriel Abraham Noah Aaron Enid Heath Spencer Olivia Denise Deanna Ron Jessie Sam Gregory Dwight Simon Negan Ezekiel Jerry
— The Walking Dead (@TheWalkingDead) September 27, 2017
That last tweet was 280 characters full of #WalkingDead characters. Twitter's lit today, guys pic.twitter.com/6i5JbymEXN
— The Walking Dead (@TheWalkingDead) September 27, 2017
This tweet uses exactly 280 characters because I thought you might like to see how long that is. It's kind of ridiculous isn't it? Why would anybody need to use this much space on a tweet? This feels like an entire column. Twitter will take a lot longer to get caught up on. SAD!!
— Kevin Shockey (@KevinShockey) September 26, 2017
twitter: what do you guys want
— Goth Ms. Frizzle (@spookperson) September 26, 2017
everyone: get rid of the nazis and fix the report system
twitter: did I hear 280 characters
thank you @twitter, but i don't need 280 characters. "my wife left me" is only 15
— Single Dad (@Lonely_Dad) September 26, 2017
280 characters?? Is this Twitter, or the USA Network, known for the many interesting and offbeat characters in their quality original progra pic.twitter.com/8BHSr1iclE
— Aaron Trites (@aarontrites) September 26, 2017
— Dan Ozzi (@danozzi) September 27, 2017
280 characters?!
— Existential Comics (find me on bluesky) (@existentialcoms) September 27, 2017
The time has come, comrades, we need to nationalize Twitter.
Twitter will support 280 characters yet Marvel vs Capcom only has 30. Really makes you think
— TotalBiscuit (@Totalbiscuit) September 26, 2017
Hey @Jack I'm going to sleep, I love twitter but 280 characters is fucking stupid and this is coming from a special chosen one. Please don't do this. Please. Also thanks again for choosing me for the test case and giving me superpowers. But seriously 280 characters SUCK
— Big Cat (@BarstoolBigCat) September 27, 2017
Besides several bad Games of Thrones references, Twitter users had a lot to say about wanting the ability to edit tweets after posting—to fix grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and avoiding the steps of having to delete and retweet, or suffer the consequences of having errors in your tweets. Could editing be the next big Twitter update?
Will I be able to edit any of these 280 characters? If the answer is no, try again @Twitter.
— Jon Ostrower (@jonostrower) September 26, 2017
Users: We want the ability to edit tweets.@Twitter: Okay, we’ll double the amount of available characters so you can make even more typos. https://t.co/aR7RbtphY3
— ᴺᴼᵀ Jony Ive (@JonyIveParody) September 26, 2017
Cool so what about editing them
— Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) September 26, 2017
Dear @Twitter – Instead of 280 characters, can we just get a function so we can correct our spelling mistakes? Sincerely, Steve.
— Steve Schale (@steveschale) September 26, 2017
USERS: ''We want an edit button so we dont have delete tweets bc of typos'
— Muad’dib (@Fredilo_) September 27, 2017
TWITTER: Here are 280 characters for more typos''#twitter280
Some even used their 140 characters—or 280 if they’re lucky enough—to mention the fact that the president will now have twice as many characters to tweet.
Close your eyes.
— M.G. Siegler (@mgsiegler) September 26, 2017
Imagine Trump using Twitter.
Now imagine Trump using Twitter with 280 characters.
Now close Twitter.
Whether you are part of the lucky—or unlucky—group that now has double the characters to say whatever you want, Twitter is using this small group of people as trial and will perhaps allow all users the 280 character limit in the future.