Ted Lieu invites Kyle Kashuv to California

New America/Flickr @KyleKashuv/Twitter (CC-BY) Remix by Jason Reed

Congressman faces backlash after suggesting Parkland teen should smoke pot

This is getting willfully misinterpreted.


David Covucci


Congressman Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) has received criticism for his suggestion that Kyle Kashuv, a Parkland shooting survivor and vocal gun rights advocate, get stoned in California.

Lieu’s tweet was in response to a Kashuv tweet calling California a “kakistocracy.”

People online thought it was a bit odd for a sitting congressman to suggest a teenager get stoned, even if he said Kashuv should wait until he’s 21.



Others pointed out that those upset were being willfully misleading about the contents of Lieu’s tweet.


In response to the backlash, Lieu deleted the tweet and issued an apology. “While I am proud of California’s legal cannabis law, I can see why saying this to you can be misinterpreted because you are not 21,” he wrote. “I hereby apologize. You should listen to your parents.”

The Daily Dot