joe 30330


Joe Biden nails the difference between website, text message in closing statement

Well done, my dude.


David Covucci


During the closing statements of tonight’s second presidential debate (round two edition), almost every candidate plugged their websites, needing to garner enough donations and support to make it to the next round.

Well, everyone except Joe Biden, who rounded out the evening by telling his supporters, if they agreed with him to “go to Joe 3-0-3-3-0.”

Was it an IP address he was plugging? An online treasure search? A new website about his 30330 campaign?

No, it just appears that he didn’t know the difference between a website and a text message.

Because while Joe30330 isn’t a website (well now it is because someone already bought it, but ignore that premise for the moment), texting ‘Joe’ to 30330, got you what he meant.

Maybe he wasn’t as AMAZING as the text message claims.


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