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Jacob Wohl/YouTube

Pro-Trump troll busted for running fake intelligence firm tied to Mueller smear

Wohl denies the claims.


David Gilmour


Private investigation firm SureFire Intelligence, the company tied to manufactured smear allegations against Special Counsel Robert Mueller, is an elaborate front and hoax created by a right-wing troll.

The company was exposed on Tuesday as a fake after it was tied to Jacob Wohl, a right-wing Twitter personality, whose name and old finance company NeX Capital Management were found to be referenced in SureFire’s website domain data.

Wohl has denied involvement in several tweets.

SureFire seeks to present itself across social media and online as any company would. The illusion of the company’s status, however, simply fell apart with Google reverse image searches as internet sleuths took a closer look at its claims.

A quick look at SureFire’s supposed international employee roster on LinkedIn reveals numerous profiles using fake headshots.

The profile for SureFire’s “Tel Aviv station chief” uses a picture of Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli. The deputy director of operations is, in fact, a pastor from Michigan, and the company’s “financial investigator” is Oscar-winning actor Christoph Waltz.

In a wider bid to support the authenticity of the firm, reporters have uncovered a bunch of old Craigslist advertisements boasting that the company was founded by ex-Mossad agents, offering investigative services.

A page on Medium associated with the company pushed two pseudo-journalistic stories about the firm, tied to suspicious and recently created Twitter accounts for reporters that supposedly authored the articles. On Tuesday, Medium suspended SureFire’s pages. The Twitter accounts are still up. 

Even the Twitter avatars were revealed to be stolen from Instagram models.

The website boasts company office across the world and throughout the U.S., but all numbers suspiciously redirect via Google Voice to a single phone number in Orange County, California. 

Despite all the effort to create fake personas and hoax PR pieces, that number reportedly redirects callers to Wohl’s mother’s voicemail.

The Daily Dot