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iPhone 6 users say their ‘selfie’ camera is shifting out of place

Photos don’t seem to be effected, but users aren’t happy.


Alex La Ferla


Hundreds of iPhone 6 users are frustrated over a widespread problem with the front-facing “selfie” camera on their devices. The complaint arises from a tendency for the camera lens to shift slightly, causing a grey crescent shape to appear at the right of the camera’s opening.

Photo by bhaffar/MacRumors

A number of commenters on a Reddit thread about the problem are claiming their phones have the same malfunction. Customers have also reported the concern on MacRumors and iFixit.  

As of now the issue seems to be purely cosmetic—nobody is claiming that their pictures have been affected. Still, some are expressing uncertainty over the potential severity of the problem in the long run and frustration at even a cosmetic problem on such an expensive device.

“May not be affected now, but what about down the line?” MacRumors user Oridus wrote. “Besides, why should I accept a misaligned camera on a $749 device?”

Bhaffar, Another MacRumors user, and author of the original post, was concerned that the camera problem would be an issue should he try to resell his iPhone in the future.

Customers are reporting that Apple is aware of the problem and has been offering replacement iPhones at Apple Stores for those affected by the misalignment. Reddit user spykeman1528 claims to be an Apple employee and says, “We don’t know why they shift and if you choose we can replace the display which will replace the front facing camera or just swap the device all together. I usually just offer the full unit swap since customers feel the entire device is defective at that point.”

Apple has not responded to a request for comment at the time of publication.

H/T Business Insider UK | Photo by Janitors/photopin (CC by 2.0)

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