Wendys free chicken nuggets retweet

Photos via Carter Wilkerson

Hungry bro needs 18 million retweets to get free Wendy’s for a year

Wendy’s is delicious on Twitter.


Josh Katzowitz

Internet Culture

Wendy’s Twitter account has proven it will flambé you if you happen to forget momentarily that refrigerators exist or if your fast food company freezes its beef. But the mastermind behind its social media presence also has a heart.

So, when desperate Twitter user Carter Wilkerson asked Wendy’s on Wednesday how many retweets it would take for him to receive a year’s worth of free chicken nuggets, the response was immediate and decisive.

So, Wilkerson immediately got to work.

As of this writing, Wilkerson has more than a million retweets, an impressive accomplishment by any stretch but one which only puts him about 6 percent of the way to his goal. Making matters even tougher for Wilkerson is the fact the world record for most retweets is just shy of 3.3 million, thanks to the Oscar selfie tweeted around the world. That means Wilkerson’s tweet would have to garner more than five times the number Ellen DeGeneres managed in 2014.

Still, Wendy’s is impressed by his drive and by the response of people who have been inspired by him.

Oh, and though Wilkerson’s goal still seems like a reach, Wendy’s has no plans to renege on its offer.

The chances of this happening and Wilkerson getting his nuggets still seem rather remote. Wilkerson, though, remains confident.

Update 2:22pm CT, April 9: Against seemingly all odds, Wilkerson’s original tweet has surpassed the 2 million retweet mark as of Sunday afternoon, four days after he made his nugget-fueled plea.

On Saturday night, it appeared Wendy’s still wasn’t all that concerned with the growing number of retweets.

Wilkerson is still unlikely to make 18 million, but he also has received a mighty nice offer from T-Mobile CEO John Legere.

H/T the Comeback

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