woman eating chicken nugget - vegan reddit am i the asshole

Piyawat Nandeenopparit/Shutterstock

Vegan reports friends who fed her real chicken nuggets to police

In many states, food tampering is a felony.


Siobhan Ball

Internet Culture

Tricking people into eating something is always an asshole move—so much so that food tampering is actually recognized as a crime in many states. But a vegan whose friends tricked her into eating real chicken nuggets wants to know if she’s the asshole for going to the police.

AITA for going to the police over a ‘prank’
byu/veganthrowaway192847 inAmItheAsshole

The 24-year-old woman said in a Reddit post on Tuesday that she was “white girl wasted”  when her friends gave her what they said were Sunfed vegan nuggets. But not only did her so-called friends give her real chicken, but they also filmed the whole thing and put it on Snapchat, complete with mocking impressions of her crying over animals.

It sounds like the sort of juvenile cruelty you’d expect from middle schoolers, but the woman’s adult friends are definitely old enough to know better.

Justifiably furious, the woman decided to report her friends to the police for food tampering because. “They took advantage of my drunken state, tampered with my food, and publically humiliated me,” she wrote.

Her former friends, however, are apparently outraged and insist it was just a “harmless” prank. So the woman turned to Reddit for some perspective from uninvolved parties.


Some supported the woman all the way and decided she’s “not the asshole” (NTA in Reddit speak). Not respecting people’s dietary needs can have severe consequences in case of allergies and intolerances, and long term vegans and vegetarians often can’t digest meat properly anymore, making them sick if they ingest it.

byu/veganthrowaway192847 from discussion


byu/veganthrowaway192847 from discussion


Others said they would have thought going to the cops was too extreme if not for how far the woman’s former friends took the prank. For these commenters, the entire incident—not just the food tampering—reeked of cruelty.


byu/veganthrowaway192847 from discussion


And some people thought the friends deserved to get in trouble just because they’d been so careless about incriminating themselves.

byu/veganthrowaway192847 from discussion

byu/veganthrowaway192847 from discussion

Twitter user @HummingbirdRSO, who identifies himself on Twitter as a lawyer, pointed out that the incident would be classified as assault in every state and argued that the woman is far from overreacting.

Still, some said involving the police is a massive overreaction because of the severity of the charge. A felony conviction could leave the woman’s former friends, in addition to serving jail time, unable to vote and with very limited housing and employment options.

Twitter user @TranslaterBot2k may have had the best answer to her friends’ complaints, however: Just tell them that reporting them to the police is a hilarious prank, too!



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