Donald Trump's tweet about Obama during Superstorm Sandy haven't aged well.

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Trump’s old tweets about Obama visiting a hurricane disaster zone are going viral



Andrew Wyrich

Internet Culture

As the internet has pointed out several times throughout President Donald Trump’s first months in office: there is always a tweet for that. 

As Trump heads to Texas to survey the flooding and damage brought by Hurricane Harvey, a number of Twitter users have pointed out that the president is about to do exactly what he criticized former President Barack Obama for doing when Superstorm Sandy hit the east coast in 2012.

“Not only giving out money, but Obama will be seen today standing in water and rain like he is a real President — don’t fall for it,” Trump wrote on Oct. 30, 2012, adding a day later that “Obama is now standing in a puddle acting like a President–give me a break.”

Hurricane Harvey has devastated Houston and much of Texas’ Gulf Coast region, with more than 40 inches of rain falling since Thursday. The president is expected to arrive in Corpus Christi on Tuesday before traveling to Austin, the state’s capital.

While in Austin, Trump is expected to tour the Emergency Operations Center and receive briefings on the hurricane and damage.

Reports indicate that the president does not want to head to Houston and hamper the rescue and relocation efforts.

The irony of Trump doing exactly what he criticized Obama for doing was not lost on people. In fact, there is an entire Reddit community dedicated to finding old tweets of Trump’s that criticize things he’s doing as president

It’s downright impressive.

The Daily Dot