Internet Culture

Trump butchers words to ‘God Bless America’ after fussing over patriotism

‘Trump sings “God Bless America” the way the rest of us sing “Despacito.'”

Photo of Kris Seavers

Kris Seavers

Trump fudges lyrics to 'God Bless America.'

Yesterday, President Donald Trump made a fuss over celebrating patriotism at a White House event. Today, he was filmed butchering the words to “God Bless America” at that very celebration—and the internet is mercilessly mocking him.

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Trump appeared to not know the words to the song at the Celebration of America event, which took place on Tuesday after he withdrew an invitation for the Philadelphia Eagles to visit the White House because some players said they wouldn’t attend on political grounds.


In a statement announcing the decision to hold a “different type of celebration” instead of the planned visit from the NFL team, Trump blasted players for what he saw as unpatriotic behavior (even though no Eagles players kneeled during the national anthem last football season).

“They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country,” the statement said.

The event was touted as a chance to “honor our great country, pay tribute to the heroes who fight to protect it, and loudly and proudly play the National Anthem.” But as “God Bless America” blared, Trump missed a chance to prove his own loyal patriotism.


People on Twitter scourged the president, guessing at what he might have been singing (because it clearly wasn’t the right words).




For some, the glaring hypocrisy was too much to bear.




It’s not the first time Trump has demonstrated an ironic gap in his knowledge of patriotic lyrics. In January, Trump tweeted to demand respect for the national anthem—only to botch the “The Star-Spangled Banner” just a few hours later.


The Daily Dot