matt gaetz

Sam Brodey/Twitter

Matt Gaetz attempts to storm impeachment hearing with a phalanx of elderly white men

He’s trying to invade a secure facility in Congress.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

Due to the sensitive nature of some information and testimony, House Democrats made the decision to hold hearings into President Donald Trump’s conduct on Ukraine with the House Intelligence Committee and keep them classified from the public.

Whether that is the right decision for hearings that could wind up with the removal of the president is up for debate. What isn’t though is the fact that Republicans are definitely involved. The House Intelligence Committee has nine Republican members, all of whom are free to attend hearings surrounding the investigation.

But that isn’t good enough for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), perhaps the biggest Trump defender in all of Congress. He has been upset at being left out of the inquiry, and today announced he was leading a charge to storm the Secure Compartmentalized Intelligence Facility (SCIF) where the hearings are being held.

His army of elderly white Republican men at his side quickly became the subject of mockery.

According to Andrew Desiderio, Politico‘s congressional reporter, Gaetz was successful in storming the SCIF but may have compromised it by bringing in cell phones.

Well done.


The Daily Dot