J.K. Rowling reveals meme

Daniel Ogren/Flickr

‘J.K. Rowling reveals’ meme uses predictive text for words of encouragement

This is a (mostly) wholesome meme.


Kris Seavers

Internet Culture

J.K. Rowling has made a habit lately of revealing odd new details about the Harry Potter series, from Hogwarts’ lack of bathrooms to Dumbledore’s sex life. But with the new ‘J.K. Rowling reveals’ meme, people are imagining that Rowling has revealed something astonishing about themselves.

9GAG, a meme sharing website and app, started the meme with a tweet suggesting users write “J.K. Rowling reveals that you” and then create a sentence with the predictive text on a cellphone.


Twitter users took heed. Some of the results users shared were motivating and endearing, the exact kind of positive affirmation you’d want if Rowling were to ever acknowledge your existence.

Writer Isha Bassi was blessed with, “J.K. Rowling reveals that you can always be happy with the beauty of your work and how much you love to take care of your life.”


Some of the revelations, however, were a little less wholesome.

“J.K. Rowling reveals that you know that your father doesn’t love you,” was the result for Twitter user @indiewashere.

As is often the case with predictive case, some of the results were just jumbled nonsense.

And some people skipped the predictive text altogether, injecting their own opinions under the guise of a Rowling revelation.



The Daily Dot