

Video shows ‘Goodwill Karen’ threatening to hit employee who asks her to wear mask

‘Yeah, you better flinch, because I’ll take this motherf*cker and rip you up something new.’


Kahron Spearman

Internet Culture

A video trending on Reddit shows “Goodwill Karen” threatening to hit an employee who asks her to wear a mask.

The video, posted by u/nopressure23, starts with the employee having already approached the anti-masker.

“You have to keep it over your mouth and nose, please,” she tells Goodwill Karen.

Karen responds nonsensically, “OK, my doctor said, ‘Do not do that.’”

“Then we can’t have you in here,” the employee counters.

“OK, then that is discrimination,” Goodwill Karen claims baselessly.

The employee reminds Karen that masks are “for the safety of all our employees and customers.”

Instead of responding or merely leaving the store, the petulant Goodwill Karen throws her mask at the employee. Now dismissive, she strolls away with her cart, but the employee follows.

“Bitch, I don’t need you to follow me around. I know my fucking way out,” Karen snaps. “Because that’s gonna get you hurt.”

Goodwill Karen continues to tell the employee she knows her way out, but the employee dutifully remains at her side.

Then she collects her purse and allegedly raises her hand at the employee out of frame.

“Yeah, you better flinch, because I’ll take this motherfucker and rip you up something new,” Karen says.

The employee tells Goodwill Karen she can never come back to the location, to which Karen replies that she doesn’t live in the area anyway.


Then she purposefully coughs in the employee’s direction—a move that could have earned her an assault charge in the era of COVID-19.

But by the end of the video, however, Goodwill Karen is headed out of the store, the mutual goodwill between store and company having disintegrated.

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